EMERGENCY INFORMATION FDOT Emergency Travel Alert: For information on the current situation, please visit the following page - Alerts.

Project Details
Work Type: Resurfacing
Phase: Construction
Length: 2.907 miles
Construction Cost: $16.7 Million
Project Start: Summer 2024
Est. Completion: Spring 2026

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) will resurface State Road (S.R.) 46 from east of Monroe Road/ Upsala Road (County Road 15) to French Avenue (U.S. 17-92). In addition to resurfacing the roadway, the project recommends replacing the existing center two-way left turn with a raised median to enhance safety and help encourage slower driving speeds. Safety improvements will be made to pedestrian and transit facilities. Curb ramps will be reconstructed to current ADA criteria and new sidewalk will be constructed to fill gaps, providing a continuous route through the project limits.

Some on-street parking will be eliminated to provide 7-foot-wide buffered bicycle lanes. New midblock crossings, along with new sidewalk to fill gaps and upgraded pedestrian curb ramps, are also planned. Existing lighting will be retrofitted to current criteria at three intersections: Central Park Dr/Old England Loop, Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard/Rand Yard Road, and Airport Boulevard/West First Street. Obsolete driveways are to be removed to improve pedestrian mobility.

Contact Information
Communications Team
Ryan Yglesias
(407) 278-2713
Lane Closures
  • Sunday, February 9 to Saturday, February 15: Motorists can expect continuous alternating single lane closures in both eastbound and westbound directions on State Road (S.R.) 46, between French Avenue and Monroe Road. These closures will alternate between the inside and outside lanes to allow road crews to safely perform asphalt paving and concrete improvements. 

    FDOT encourages all roadway users to drive, walk and ride with caution and courtesy!

Project Files