EMERGENCY INFORMATION FDOT Emergency Travel Alert: For information on the current situation, please visit the following page - Alerts.

This project has been completed and is only available for historical reference.
Project Details
Work Type: Safety Project
Phase: Completed
Length: 0.001 miles
Construction Cost: $1.5 Million
Project Start: Spring 2023
Est. Completion: Early 2024

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is enhancing safety for pedestrians and drivers by constructing improvements at the intersection of North Courtenay Parkway (State Road 3) and Lucas Road/Mustang Way in Merritt Island. Safety improvements include reconstructing and upgrading the traffic signals and installing new accessible pedestrian safety signals at all corners. The accessible signals provide verbal indications and have raised markings on the signal buttons to accommodate people with visual challenges.

Pedestrian safety also will be improved by realigning all crosswalks, adding high-visibility pavement markings, and upgrading lighting. A raised concrete island with a pedestrian signal and crosswalk will be constructed beside the right turn lane from Mustang Way to North Courtenay Parkway. Other improvements include adding sidewalk along southbound North Courtenay Parkway south of the intersection, upgrading sidewalk curb ramps to comply with current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards, drainage improvements, and milling and resurfacing the roadway within the project limits.

Contact Information
Carr Construction, LLC
Communications Team
Ashley Ingham
(321) 634-6111
Project Files