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Activity Activity Name Desc Category Predecessor
971130 PD&E Pass the Torch Meeting / Begin CAP


Prior to beginning the Stage I Scope Development, a meeting will be held with PD&E for a debriefing of the project. History of the project including, previous meetings, project commitments, key decision makers, controversial issues, etc. will be discussed. At this stage, the CAP level and effort should be determined for scope negotiations. A list of stakeholders should be acquired from PD&E.

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6- Project Initiation / Negotiations   - Stage I Scope Review

- Attendee List: PD&E Pass the Torch

- PM Handbook (See Part 2, Chapter 3)
299010 Request Authorization PH 31 Funds


The FDOT Project Manager will send an email to D5-Work Program to open phase 31 for in-house timesheet charges.

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6- Project Initiation / Negotiations - Stage I Scope Review

164010 Stage I Scope Review


This activity is for advertised projects only. The Stage I Scope of Services is the Scope of Services (SOS) boilerplate. The SOS will be used in conjunction with the Technical Scope or Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) or other technical documents to prepare a Stage II Scope of Services for advertisement. Comments provided by Local Agency members should be considered in the project scope development. See guidance document for specific instructions.

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6- Project Initiation / Negotiations - PD&E Pass the Torch Meeting / Begin CAP

- Stage II Scope Evaluation

- Design Standard Scope of Services (SOS)

230130 Stage II Scope Evaluation


For Consultant Acquisition projects: This evaluation is a coordination effort (email, meetings, field visits, etc.) for FDOT disciplines and other stakeholders to review and develop scope items. The Stage II Scope of Services should be completed prior to submitting the Consultant Package to PSU. For CSC and DW contracts: This evaluation can be accomplished at the Finalize Scope/Prelim Units meeting and the consultant PM will develop the Stage II Scope of Services.

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6- Project Initiation / Negotiations - Stage I Scope Review

- Send AD Request Form/Scope to PSU

- Negotiate Staff Hours

- Design Standard Scope of Services (SOS)

231010 Send AD Request Form/Scope to PSU


Package submitted to Professional Services to begin the Consultant Procurement process. This includes items such as the Stage II Scope, workgroups to be advertised, PM name, etc. (Note: see Professional Services Request Form).

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6- Project Initiation / Negotiations - Stage II Scope Evaulation

- Project Execution/PE Begin

- Professional Services Advertisement Request Form
      (connection to FDOT network/VPN is needed)

230140 Stage III (Final) Scope Development


This coordination effort is to finalize the Scope of Services that will be part of the signed contract. This typically occurs after negotiating staff hours. If necessary, the FDOT PM should organize the meeting and invite the Consultant PM, EORs, DCPME and any other disciplines needed to complete the Scope of Services.

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6- Project Initiation / Negotiations - Negotiate Staff Hours


232010 Advertisement Post


Professional Services will post the advertisement and associated documents online for projects which it is seeking to procure consultant services for. Consulting firms will use the information contained in the advertisement to prepare Letters of Response. These letters are used as determining factors in the selection of firms who will be considered for long-list and short-list selections. Once the advertisement is posted, FDOT is not allowed to discuss or share information about the project with anyone pursuing the project.

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6- Project Initiation / Negotiations - Send AD Request Form/Scope to PSU

- Final Selection Meeting

- Current Professional Services Advertisements
402010 Final Selection Meeting


This is a meeting that is conducted by Professional Services and includes the District Secretary, Directors, Technical Review Committee (TRC) Members and the FDOT Project Manager. The TRC rankings of the short-listed firms will be presented to the Secretary and Directors who will then have the opportunity to ask questions or provide additional feedback before a selection is made. At the conclusion of the meeting, a firm will be selected for the contract to be awarded.

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9 - Project Management - Advertisement Post

- Finalize Scope of Services

900020 Finalize Scope of Services


The purpose of this meeting is to finalize the units (develop quantities for each task) prior to staff hours negotiations. The consultant should give a brief overview of the project, including the limits and description, and any proposed scope changes. Any constraints should be identified including PD&E commitments, contamination, existing and proposed development, constructability, and local coordination. The consultant is responsible for submitting the final units document before the date specified by FDOT. This meeting is organized by the Contract Negotiator.

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6- Project Initiation / Negotiations - Final Selection Meeting

- Negotiate Staff Hours

- Staff Hour Estimation Guidelines (SHE)

164030 Negotiate Staff Hours


During this timeframe, The FDOT Project Manager, FDOT Design Experts, and Consultant/Sub consultants negotiate all design activities necessary to successfully complete the project.

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6- Project Initiation / Negotiations - Finalize Scope of Services

- Encumber Phase 32 Funds      (Major)

- Encumber Phase 32 Funds      (Minor)

- Stage III (Final) Scope Development

- Contracts Negotiations Handbook

Surveying Units and Exhibit

- Staff Hour Estimation Guidelines (SHE)

- Advisor and Meeting Spreadsheet (Not in Dictionary)
          (Contact one of our Contract Managers for info needed)

233020 Encumber Phase 32 Funds      (Minor)


Professional Services (Contract Writer) requests the final negotiated dollar amount via the Contract Funds Management System (CFM). The FDOT Project Manager is responsible to ensure this task is completed by the Contract Writer. If the final negotiated design fee is higher than the preliminary estimate in Work Program, the FDOT Project Manager shall submit a Work Program form to be able to encumber the necessary funds or renegotiate staff hours.

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6- Project Initiation / Negotiations - Negotiate Staff Hours

- Project Execution/PE Begin

233010 Encumber Phase 32 Funds      (Major)


All Work Program funding must be authorized for the contract to be encumbered. This is also known as the Lockdown date. The Professional Services Contract Writer will request the final negotiated dollar amount via the Contract Funds Management System (CFM) to encumber the funds. The FDOT Project Manager is responsible for ensuring adequate funding has been programmed in the correct Work Program Financial Project Number (FPN). Note: If the final negotiated design fee is higher than the amount programmed in Work Program, the FDOT Project Manager shall submit a Work Program form for the full amount required.

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6- Project Initiation / Negotiations - Negotiate Staff Hours

- Project Execution/PE Begin

263020 LDCA Approved


LDCA stands for Location and Design Concept Acceptance. Once FHWA has reviewed and concurs with the design concept, commitments and project documentation, they will issue Location and Design Concept Acceptance. This occurs after the public hearing and when the final environmental and engineering document is complete.

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6- Project Initiation / Negotiations - Project Kickoff Meeting

- Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- PD&E Manual

250010 Project Execution/PE Begin


For Consultant Acquisition Projects, this date, also labeled NTP (Notice to Proceed), is the date that the Consultant firm is authorized to proceed with work on the Contract. For Continuing Service Contracts (CSC) and District Wide (DW) contracts, this date is when the Task Work Order is executed by Professional Services and work can proceed on the Contract as directed by the FDOT Project Manager. The FDOT Project Manager should receive a copy of Notice to Proceed or the executed TWO from the Contract Writer or Contract Manager.

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6- Project Initiation / Negotiations - LDCA Approved

- Encumber Phase 32 Funds      (Minor)

- Project Kickoff Meeting

- Build Schedule

113005 Design Analysis Evaluation


This activity is for our EOR/Consultant to investigate the value of additional safety improvements and speed management strategies for inclusion into our project scope. Using the designated Target speed for the project, the improvements should support the Departments Vital Few Safety initiative and Target Zero goal. The EOR/consultant will analyze their project for any safety enhancing improvements and forward the evaluation to the FDOT PM for consideration into the project scope. When the documentation is received, the FDOT PM and EOR/Consultant PM will work informally with FDOT internal disciplines including but not limited to Roadway, traffic ops, PLEMO and the Office of Safety staff. Once resolved and comments are addressed, the Design Analysis Evaluation will be placed on Collaboration Meeting agenda for final review and approval. To facilitate approval, the documentation should include additional construction costs associated with the proposed countermeasures and the countermeasures should be prioritized based on crash analysis (may be divided into long- and short-term recommendations). Depending on the newly approved proposed scope additions, the FDOT PM will initiate a design SA as needed and will continue working toward the next phase of design.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Project Execution/PE Begin

- Initial Plans (Phase II)

367010 Exceptions/Variations (Include Utility Design Alternatives)


The purpose of this activity is to identify all Design Variations and Exceptions. When the Department's criteria are not met, a Design Exception or Design Variation is required. Design Exceptions are required when proposed design elements are below both the Department's governing criteria and AASHTO's new construction criteria for the Controlling Design Elements. Design Variations are required when proposed design elements are below the Department's criteria and where a Design Exception is not required. All Exceptions and Variations shall be processed in compliance with the FDM. It is the responsibility of the EOR to identify all variations and exceptions including Utility Design Alternatives. Utility Design Alternatives will be identified anytime compliance with the UAM is not reasonably achievable. It is the responsibility of the utility owner to initiate a request for a design alternative approval. All Utility Design Alternatives shall be processed in compliance with the UAM.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Project Kickoff Meeting

- Approved Exceptions/Variations and Submittal of Utility Design Alternatives

900030 Project Kickoff Meeting


Soon after Project Execution/PE Begin, the FDOT Project Manager (PM) should meet with the Consultant PM and outline the department expectations. A QC Plan, Risk Assessment Project schedule and Public Engagement Plan strategy will be discussed during this meeting. The Consultant should immediately begin updating the LRE to reflect the negotiated scope and should complete this task within the first twenty days of the project. The Consultant and FDOT PM should coordinate the preliminary proposed R/W acquisitions with R/W Administration to generate a preliminary R/W estimate (if needed). The Consultant should also provide any Computer Security Access Requests to the FDOT PM. See link for agenda template and documents. The agenda and documents can be modified to fit the Project scope and expectations.

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6- Project Initiation / Negotiations - Project Execution/PE Begin

- Build Schedule

- Develop CAP Strategy

- Coring

- PNC Coordinates

- Order Design Traffic

- Exceptions/Variations (Include Utility Design Alternatives)

- Stakeholders Meeting

- TIITF Determination

- R/W Estimate - Scope

- Design Survey

- Survey Alignment

- R/W Survey

Schedule and Department Expectations

- Project Kickoff Sheet
      (connection to FDOT network/VPN is needed)

- CPM Project Kickoff Agenda
290010 Develop CAP Strategy


The Community Awareness Plan consists of a Public Engagement Plan (PEP) Strategy presentation. The PEP presentation is a brief PowerPoint presentation, identifying project challenges associated with public acceptance. The PEP should include specific strategies and techniques the team will use to gain public acceptance. This strategy will identify proposed milestone dates and methods of informing people to include, but not limited to, Public Meetings/ Workshops etc. Specific Public/Agency issues may include: access management, removal of street parking, landscaping, alternative intersections, aesthetic treatments, etc.

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9- Project Management - Project Execution/PE Begin

- Build Schedule

- Project Kickoff Meeting

359040 Contact Local Agency


The Prime Consultanting Firm Project Manager shall contact the appropriate City Manager and County Manager offices, informed of the beginning of the design phase, and inquire as to which City/County Departments need to be included on the project correspondences. Contact the appropriate liaison from Government Operations Unit for assistance in obtaining local contact list.

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8-Stakeholder Coordination/Public Involvement - Encumber Phase 32 Funds      (Major)

- Stakeholders Meeting

- Agency Contact Letter

325020 TIITF Determination


The Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida (TIITF) Determination: This applies to any water body that lies within the project limits (both existing and proposed right of way) to determine if it is sovereign submerged lands. If the determination is no, then no further action is required. If the determination is yes, and we have an existing easement with TIITF (DEP) and no new areas are affected, then no further action is required. If the determination is yes, and we do not have an easement over the existing right of way and/or new areas are affected by an acquisition, the PM should coordinate with Surveying, R/W and Permitting to obtain the TIITF easement. A DEP determination of “proprietary authorization need not apply” may still require regulatory approvals.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - Project Execution/PE Begin

- Prepare TIITF Package

- State Lands - Survey & Mapping

Section 10.3 Right of Way Manual

900010 Build Schedule


During this time frame, the FDOT Project Manager will provide the schedule template to the Consultant PM. The Consultant PM will develop a project-specific schedule (baseline schedule) which achieves the milestone dates required by the Department and agreed upon by both parties. This scheduling process should be completed within twenty days after Project Execution/PE Begin. Once complete, the baseline schedule should be forwarded to the Production Management Office. This schedule shall be used to measure the Consultant’s performance throughout the project.

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6- Project Initiation / Negotiations - Project Execution/PE Begin

- Project Kickoff Meeting

233030 Encumber Phase 32 funds for S/A (Plans Update)


After the Consultant prepares an estimated design fee for the Plans Update, the FDOT Project Manager shall submit a Work Program form to encumber the additional funds necessary.

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6- Project Initiation / Negotiations - Negotiate Staff Hours

- S/A for Plans Update

      (connection to FDOT network/VPN is needed)

170050 PNC Coordinates


Project Network Control (PNC) determines or establishes horizontal and vertical control points for project use. Horizontal positions are based on the Florida State Plane Coordinate System and must use North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83), 1990 or later adjustment. Vertical control (benchmarks) elevations are based on North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - Project Execution/PE Begin

- PNC Database

- Mainline Design Survey Database Submittal

294010 Typical Section Developed


The Typical Section Package is prepared by the EOR to establish and document project controls, cross sectional elements Design Variation/ Exceptions, typical transverse geometry, as well as address safety related issues for the project. The Typical Section Package should be prepared in accordance with FDM 120 and submitted to the FDOT PM. The FDOT PM should start the Typical Section approval process prior to Phase II plans.

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3 - Plans Development/Project Management - Project Execution/PE Begin

- Typical Section Submitted

106210 Survey Alignment


Establish or retrace the original survey alignment for which all proposed improvements, right of way, and topography for the project are referenced. Key point monumentation and monumentation reference points are set after alignment acceptance by FDOT staff.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - Project Execution/PE Begin

- Survey Alignment Review

170010 R/W Survey


Survey necessary to establish the controlling boundary lines and/or individual property lines for all properties affected by potential acquisition takings. This includes section and subdivision retracements along with miscellaneous property corner ties. The establishment of all existing right of way lines (which are property lines) falls in this survey.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - Project Execution/PE Begin

- 90% R/W Control Survey Map

106010 Design Survey


Survey necessary for designers and engineers of record to utilize to set geometry to cut cross-sections. There are different types that include Topography (picking up all 2-D horizontal features), DTM (Digital Terrain Model which is a 3-D graphical representation of the existing ground), cross-sections (which can be surveyed at critical isolated locations), utility designates and Verified Vertical Elevation and Horizontal Location (VVH), etc.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - Project Execution/PE Begin

- Mainline Design Survey Database Submittal

- FDOT Surveying & Mapping Office

424020 Right of Way Kick-off Meeting


At this meeting, scheduled by Right of Way, the Design Team selected for the project will meet with the Right of Way Cost Estimate/Design Support Team assigned to the project for the following purposes: 1) Reviewing the PD&E Right of Way Cost Estimate for potential changes to be incorporated in the scheduled R/W Estimate-Scope (Activity 298010). 2) Reviewing the Right of Way Cost Estimate parcel numbering protocol to be incorporated in all scheduled Right of Way Cost Estimate project milestone updates (Activity Codes 298010 through 298090) and Special Right of Way Cost Estimates developed to support design decisions. 3) Reviewing the proper format, transmission and dissemination of project data, exhibits and information relative to the Right of Way Cost Estimate/Design Support functions. In preparation for this meeting, the EOR should be familiar with FDOT Design Manual Chapter 113 Right of Way Requirements. This meeting should be scheduled by and coordinated with the Deputy Right of Way Manager – Valuation Services, or Right of Way Cost Estimates Coordinator.

1- Right of Way Acquisition - R/W Estimate - Scope

- Right of Way Kickoff Meeting Agenda

900070 Stakeholders Meeting


The Stakeholders Meeting is the project kickoff meeting for the internal and external stakeholders. At this meeting, the consultant or in-house EOR discusses the scope of the project with the Local Agencies, utility companies, transit agencies, and key external stakeholders. The purpose of this meeting is to solicit all information from these stakeholders that may affect the scope of the project. The stakeholders should submit their requests to the FDOT Project Manager no later than two weeks after the meeting. If the scope changes as a result of the Stakeholders meeting, then the EOR should update the LRE immediately so as to reflect the most up-to-date construction cost for the project (the same holds true if R/W requirements change due to this meeting, the R/W Estimate needs to be updated). To facilitate effective involvement by external stakeholders and FDOT field units, it is preferred to conduct these meetings at a local agency facility (if possible). A field review immediately prior to the meeting may be beneficial, however not required, to familiarize the team with the project. The Consultant Project Manager shall set up the meeting, prepare the agenda, and develop the meeting minutes.

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8- Stakeholder Coordination / Public Involvement - Project Kickoff Meeting

- Contact Local Agency

- Line & Grade (Phase I)

- Agenda: Stakeholders Meeting

- Stakeholder Invitees

256010 Order Design Traffic


The FDOT Project Manager contacts PLEMO Systems Planning by selecting the link titled “Traffic Request Portal” to request traffic volumes for ESAL analysis for the length of the roadway under design. The Traffic Request Portal will have the information for the project automatically populated. Planning will complete report in-house, or utilize their Districtwide Traffic Consultant to prepare a traffic ESAL (equivalent single axle load) report consisting of information needed to prepare a pavement design. Note: This activity is contained in the default Primavera schedule template generated for every project; not every project will require an ESAL analysis depending on work type. Please consult Planning or Roadway Design for questions regarding this. Also, for technical issues regarding the Traffic Request Portal, please contact Planning.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Project Kickoff Meeting

- Design Traffic Received

- Traffic Request Portal
      (connection to FDOT network/VPN or FDOT logon credential is needed)
933020 Define Local Agreement Issues


The purpose of the event is to define all potential Local Agreements and documentation required to meet the Production deadline. The activity will be a single event with at least a 10-day duration prior to Design Team Meeting (Major Projects) and Initial Plans Review (Minor Projects). When Local Funds (LF) are required Work Program will be notified by completing a Work Program form for the local funds as a placeholder. The estimate will be developed by the consultant with the help of the PM and the estimates office. Once a potential agreement is identified it will be taken to the Agreements Intake Meeting (AIM) for consultation. The PM will then proceed to incorporate the Agreement activity deadlines into schedule in a logical sequence of event to address the type of agreement. Some example Activities include Draft Agreement Complete, Final Agreement Complete, Council Meeting Approval, Funds Received from Local Agency, etc. The ownership of the Activity will clearly be identified and placed in the Production Notes.

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8-Stakeholder Coordination/Public Involvement - Stakeholders Meeting

- Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- Initial Design Team Meeting (Phase II)

298010 R/W Estimate - Scope


This is the first of four scheduled Right of Way cost estimate updates. The FDOT Consultant Project Manager and the EOR will need to provide the FDOT R/W Cost Estimates/Design Support team an update of the anticipated right of way needed for the project. The Consultant Project Manager will need to include all real property parcel impacts including potential ponds, corner clips, and strip takes. The impacts will need to be visualized on an appropriate exhibit and quantified on the Excel spreadsheet format provided at the Right of Way Kickoff Meeting or suitable alternative worksheet approved by the Right of Way Cost Estimate Coordinator. A special estimate will need to be done for alternate ponds identified in the negotiated scope.

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1- Right of Way Acquisition - Project Kickoff Meeting

- Right of Way Kick-off Meeting

- Line & Grade (Phase I)

- Project Information for Right of Way Cost Estimate
      (connection to FDOT network/VPN is needed)

264000 Advance Utility Notification


The Utility Coordinator shall send the Advance Utility Notification letter to all utilities within the project limits, with the pertinent project information. This letter should include but not limited to, pertinent schedule dates, conceptual plans, etc. The UC should reach out to the District Utility Office prior to making the contact to get the most current information needed for this submittal.

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2- Utilities - Build Schedule

- Project Execution/PE Begin

- Utility Contact (for minor project)

- Utility Contact (RGB)

304010 Coring


The Pavement Section in the Materials and Research Office will provide necessary coring for the roadway and will provide the report with milling and resurfacing recommendations to the FDOT Project Manager. The EOR and FDOT PM initiate coordination and should work closely with the Materials office to set the areas to be cored and analyzed early in the process.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Project Kickoff Meeting

- Pavement Data Received

271010 Draft Pond Site Report


The Pond Siting Report (PSR) documents the evaluation of alternative stormwater management facilities for each roadway drainage basin along the project corridor. The primary types of stormwater management facilities evaluated are retention/ detention ponds, and their locations and sizes are based on a number of hydrologic, hydraulic, environmental, and right of way considerations that are summarized into a selection matrix that is used to designate the preferred alternative for each basin. Findings from the Environmental Look Arounds (ELA) shall be documented in the reports for future follow up as the design moves forward. The FDOT Drainage Manual (Chapter 5) and The FDOT Drainage Design Guide (Chapter 9) provides a good overview of pond site selection considerations.

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5- Drainage/Permitting - Project Kickoff Meeting

- Review Draft Pond Site Report

- Drainage Kickoff Meeting

- Pond Notification Letter - Initial

- Environmental Permit Coordination Meeting

- Drainage Manual & Drainage Design Guide

146005 Title Search Work


Title Search Work is performed by FDOT Surveying & Mapping Title Unit and/or their consultant. The R/W Surveyor is required to submit a property appraisers map with all properties marked that are affected by the project (this will not include those properties that are affected by minor driveway connections only). At this stage of design development at least 85-95% (if not all) of the affected parcels are known. Also, after the initial identification of properties affected, the EOR must keep the Surveyor updated if new properties are identified and the Surveyor must submit follow up title search requests.

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9 - Project Management - Line and Grade/Parcel Feasibility Meeting

- 60% R/W Map Review

170250 PNC Database


PNC (Project Network Control) Database is the compilation of the final horizontal and vertical control coordinates along with all the final support documentation (station reports, benchmark forms, photographs, etc.).

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - PNC Coordinates

- 30% R/W Control Survey Map

294020 Typical Section Submitted


When the development of the draft Typical Section is complete the Consultant EOR will submit it to the FDOT PM for review and submittal. Once the draft Typical Section is received the FDOT PM will coordinate with the Roadway Design Department and conduct an initial review. Upon review acceptance the FDOT PM will upload the Typical Section into Project Suite (PSEE) for Design Document Approval.

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3 - Plans Development/Project Management - Typical Section Developed

- Typical Section Approved

925010 Pond Notification Letter - Initial


This is the first of three letters sent to property owners whose property has been selected as a preferred pond site location for a project. The intent of the letter is to allow the property owner input early in the design process. An example letter can be found on the FDOT Drainage Design website. The letter should include a sketch showing parcel boundaries, location and approximate size of the pond(s). This letter should be sent by certified mail to the property owner by the Prime Consulting Firm on current FDOT Letterhead in the approved format for FDOT Correspondence.

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5- Drainage/Permitting - Draft Pond Site Report

- Pond Notification Letter - Second

- Review Draft Pond Site Report

- Letter Template

587010 VVH Complete


VVH stands for Verification of Vertical and Horizontal. During this time, the EOR shall insure the VVH’s have been completed prior to Initial Plans Review. This would include, but not limited to, proposed signals, bridge foundations and drainage structures. Additional VVH’s may be necessary, for conflicts between proposed structures and buried utility facilities.

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2- Utilities - Advance Utility Notification

- Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

109110 Drainage Kickoff Meeting


This meeting, between the Design Engineer's drainage staff and the FDOT District Drainage Engineer or Assistant District Drainage Engineer and District Permit Coordinator, is an informational meeting where both parties discuss the project's stormwater management concepts, drainage issues, permitting issues, district specific criteria, right of way requirements, level of effort, new or future storm water design or rule changes, etc. Decisions on certain design and permitting parameters will be made depending on the level of detail known at the time of this meeting. This activity can be combined with the Permit Coordination Meeting.

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5- Drainage/Permitting - Draft Pond Site Report

- Review Draft Pond Site Report

260010 Typical Section Approved


In order to have this activity completed, all applicable signatures on the Typical Section cover sheet must be obtained including concurrence from the District Design Engineer, District Traffic Operations Engineer, ISD Manager and FHWA (if applicable).
Once the Typical Section is approved construction costs changes associated with the Typical Section should be identified and sent to the FDOT PM, updated in LRE, and quantities reflected in the Phase II plans.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Typical Section Submitted

- Line & Grade (Phase I)

- Structure Review of BDR

- Interactive Project Update Meeting (for Minor Projects)

- Environmental Permit Coordination Meeting


106310 Survey Alignment Review


When sufficient survey has been performed to determine the original survey alignment and a drawing has been prepared, a meeting is scheduled between the Consultant Surveyor and the D5 District Surveyor and/or his/her designee. The Consultant Surveyor presents their analysis of the field data recovered and determination as to the location of the original survey alignment. This is a critical procedure since the original survey alignment is usually the basis for establishing the existing right of way. Key point monumentation and monumentation reference points are set after alignment acceptance by FDOT staff.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - Survey Alignment

- 30% R/W Control Survey Map

- FDOT D5 - Survey & Mapping - Map Preparation & Review - QA/QC Management Plan

170150 30% R/W Control Survey Map


The R/W Control Survey Map is a certified survey drawing showing the graphical representation of the survey data (Monumentation recovered or set) and the survey decisions made by the Consultant Surveyor regarding the location of controlling land lines and property lines. The 30% R/W Control Survey Map stage depicts the accepted survey alignment, all section retracements, and reference points recovered or set at key points along the survey alignment. Subdivisions are shown graphically on the key map(s) at this stage.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - PNC Database

- Survey Alignment Review

- 30% R/W Control Survey Map Review

- Survey and Mapping Handbook

257010 Design Traffic Received


This is the date that the final draft of the Design Traffic Report is received by the FDOT Project Manager. A copy of this report should be sent to the Prime Consulting Firm Project Manager/EOR and a copy should be filed in the project files. It is important to remember that this design traffic report should be updated approximately every two years to account for current trends.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Order Design Traffic

- Pavement Design

145040 Environmental Permit Coordination Meeting


The purpose of this meeting is to discuss all permitting tasks and to determine which environmental permits are required (i.e. water management districts, Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), Coast Guard, Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)). Attendees should include the Consultant Drainage Engineer, Consultant Biologist, FDOT Reviewing Drainage Engineer, FDOT Permit Coordinator, Consultant Project Manager and FDOT Project Manager. Items of discussion will include: corridor wetland delineations, pond site wetland estimates, meetings held with regulatory agencies, field review with regulatory agencies, potential impacts to protected species habitat, review of pond site alternatives impacts to wetlands/protected species habitat, and confirmation all commitments from PD&E documents. Agenda is attached as a link.

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5 - Drainage/Permitting - Draft Pond Site Report

- Typical Section Approved

- Environmental Permit Application Process

- Environmental Permit Agency Review

- All Environmental Permits Clear

- Permit Coordination Meeting Agenda

- ERP Review checklist

- FDOT D5 Permit Determination Policy Memo

- ACOE Regional Permit SAJ-92

- FDOT D5 SJRWMD Signature Authority Memo

- Memo Gopher Tortoise Permitting in D5

- FDOT D5 SWFWMD Signature Authority Memo


- Memo Wetland Boundary & Delineation Policy

- ERP Presentation

271110 Review Draft Pond Site Report


This is the Department's review of the Consultant's Draft Pond Siting Report. The FDOT Project Manager should upload the report to ERC and assign relevant staff to the review, including Drainage, Geotechnical, and Right of Way.

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5- Drainage/Permitting - Drainage Kickoff Meeting

- Draft Pond Site Report

- Pond Notification Letter - Initial

- Pond Notification Letter - Second

- Final Pond Site Report

272030 Update Permits


Designer and engineer of record shall update permit(s) for plans update phase. These permits include but are not limited to water management district permits, ACOE, Coast Guard, FFWCC, etc.

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5- Drainage/Permitting - Update Permit Status

- Environmental Permit Coordination Meeting

- Updated Permits Clear

313010 Pavement Data Received


The completion of this task is culminated by the arrival of the final Pavement Survey and Evaluation Report (aka. PS&E or PSE). This report contains an analysis of the existing roadway including, but not limited to crack depth, composition, typical, milling recommendations, and possibly a DYNAFLECT test (which is used to determine the resilient modulus). This report is instrumental in development of the pavement design for the roadway rehabilitation. A copy should be provided to the design EOR or Consultant Project Manager.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Coring

- Pavement Design

- Constructability and MOT Review Meeting

925020 Pond Notification Letter - Second


This is the second of three letters sent to property owners whose property has been selected as a preferred pond site location for a project. The intent of the letter is to allow the property owner input early in the design process. An example letter can be found on the FDOT Drainage Design website. The letter should include a sketch showing parcel boundaries, location and approximate size of the pond(s). This letter should be sent by certified mail to the property owner by the Prime Consulting Firm on current FDOT Letterhead in the approved format for FDOT Correspondence. Note: The second letter is not necessary if the first letter established coordination with the property owner.

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5- Drainage/Permitting - Pond Notification Letter - Initial

- Review Draft Pond Site Report

- Pond Notification Letter - Final

- Final Pond Site Report

- Letter Template

271020 Final Pond Site Report


The Final Pond Siting Report (PSR) documents the evaluation of alternative stormwater management facilities for each roadway drainage basin along the project corridor. The primary types of stormwater management facilities evaluated are retention/detention ponds. Their locations and sizes are based on a number of hydrologic, hydraulic and environmental parameters. These parameters are summarized into a selection matrix that is used to designate the preferred alternative for each basin. Findings from the Environmental Look Arounds (ELA) shall be documented in the reports for future follow up as the design moves forward. The FDOT Drainage Manual (Chapter 5) and The FDOT Drainage Design Guide (Chapter 9) provide a good overview of pond site selection considerations. Comments from the Department's review of the Draft Pond Siting Report should be incorporated in the Final Pond Siting Report.

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5- Drainage/Permitting - Pond Notification Letter - Second

- Review Draft Pond Site Report

- Pond Notification Letter - Final

- Review Final Pond Site Report

- Drainage Manual & Drainage Design Guide

315020 30% R/W Control Survey Map Review


The 30% R/W Control Survey Map consists of; 1) Cover Sheet that includes general notes, legend, survey certification and, 2) Key Map Sheet(s) usually prepared at a scale of 1” = 400’ which show the complete alignment, section data with appropriate ties to the survey alignment, along with recorded subdivisions depicted graphically.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - 30% R/W Control Survey Map

- 60% R/W Control Survey Map

- FDOT D5 - Survey & Mapping - Map Preparation & Review - QA/QC Management Plan

315120 60% R/W Control Survey Map


The 60% R/W Control Survey Map builds upon the 30% R/W Control Survey Map. This stage includes; 1) Detail Sheets, usually prepared at a scale of 1" = 40' which show complete field ties and geometry for existing right of way, side street right of way, sections, subdivisions and any other controlling property lines as scoped, along with the appropriate ties to the survey alignment and, 2) Reference Point Detail Sheet(s) usually prepared at a scale of 1" = 40' which depict the survey alignment control points and associated reference points. Basically, this is a complete map at this stage.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - 30% R/W Control Survey Map Review

- 60% R/W Control Survey Map Review

- Survey & Mapping Office

106110 Mainline Design Survey Database Submittal


The majority of the design survey activities have been completed to support the Line & Grade and Initial Plans development phases. There will be some outstanding items such as final pond site surveys and utility surveys at potential conflict locations. The design survey TOPO, drainage, utility and DTM MicroStation drawings have been provided to the EOR. The EOR is responsible for accepting the design survey as to whether it meets his/her needs to support the design development.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - Design Survey

- PNC Coordinates

- Line & Grade (Phase I)

- Survey & Mapping Office

925030 Pond Notification Letter - Final


The last of three letters sent to property owners whose property has been selected as a preferred pond site location for a project. The intent of the letter is to allow the property owner input early in the design process. An example letter can be found on the FDOT Drainage Design website. The letter should include a sketch showing parcel boundaries, location and approximate size of the pond(s). This letter should be sent by certified mail to the property owner by the Prime Consulting Firm on current FDOT Letterhead in the approved format for FDOT Correspondence. Note: Do Not send this letter if previous correspondence established coordination with the property owner.

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5- Drainage/Permitting - Pond Notification Letter - Second

- Final Pond Site Report

- Line and Grade/Parcel Feasibility Meeting

- Review Final Pond Site Report

- Letter Template

113010 Line & Grade (Phase I)


During the Line & Grade phase, the Designer/EOR is developing the preliminary design for the project. This includes preliminary design geometry (including, but not limited to horizontal alignment, setting preliminary grades, evaluating driveway connections, setting back of sidewalk profiles, designing preliminary side street geometry/profiles, obtaining and setting water elevations affecting grades, evaluating bridge clearances, etc.). Also, being developed during this time frame are the typical sections, pond siting report, the pavement design, exceptions and variations. If roundabout development is part of the project and an Alternative Intersection Review Package is required per FDM Chapter 116, the Designer shall use the “Design and Control Vehicle Form” that is included in the links for this activity.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Mainline Design Survey Database Submittal

- R/W Estimate - Scope

- 30% R/W Control Survey Map Review

- Stakeholders Meeting

- VE Study

- Line and Grade/Parcel Feasibility Meeting

- Review Access Management Report

- Pavement Design

- Typical Section Approved

- Design and Control Vehicle Form

265010 Initial Utility Design Conference


The CONSULTANT shall schedule (time and place) for a Utility Meeting, notify participants, and conduct the meeting with all affected UAO(s) for the purpose of presenting the project, review the current design schedule, evaluate the utility information collected, provide follow-up information on compensable interest requests, discuss the Utility Work By Highway Contractor option with each utility, and discuss any future design issues that may impact utilities. This is also an opportunity for the UAO(s) to present proposed facilities. The CONSULTANT shall keep accurate minutes and distribute a copy to all attendees.

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2- Utilities - Mainline Design Survey Database Submittal

- Utility Contact

- D5 Utilities Design Office
      (connection to FDOT network/VPN is needed)

- UWHC Process Flow-Instructions

114010 Bridge Hydraulics Recommendation


The Bridge Hydraulics Report (BHR) consists of specific hydrologic, hydraulic, stream stability, and potential scour information related to a bridge over a waterway. This report should identify the minimum hydraulic bridge openings, as well as, the minimum clearance above the design high water level. The FDOT Drainage Manual (Chapter 8) and The FDOT Drainage Design Guide (Chapter 5) list the minimum information that must be included in the Bridge Hydraulics Report (BHR). The Bridge Hydraulics Recommendations Sheet (BHRS) provides a single reference that summarizes the findings and recommendations of the hydraulic analyses. Details in the FDOT Design Manual (Chapter 305.2) provide a guide to populate the BHRS. Location Hydraulics Report to be prepared in conjunction with the bridge analysis during the PD&E phase (Phase I).

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4- Structures/Related Geotech - Mainline Design Survey Database Submittal


- Pre-BDR Meeting

- Structure Review of BDR

- Geotech Foundations Report for BDR

- Florida Bridge Scour Manual

- Drainage Manual & Drainage Design Guide

271120 Review Final Pond Site Report


This is the Department's review of the Consultant's Final Pond Siting Report. The FDOT Project Manager should upload the report to ERC and assign relevant staff to the review, including Drainage, Geotech and Right of Way.

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5- Drainage/Permitting - Final Pond Site Report

- Pond Notification Letter - Final

Signed Sealed Pond Site Report

133010 Pre-BDR Meeting


The Pre BDR meeting shall include the FDOT Geotech Office, the FDOT Structures Office, the Structures EOR, the Geotech EOR, the FDOT Project Manager, and the Prime Project Manager. The intent of the meeting is to discuss the preferred foundation type, available loads and preliminary pile tip elevations. A follow-up meeting prior to the Geotech Foundations Report for BDR/BHR submittal may be necessary.

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4- Structures/Related Geotech - Bridge Hydraulics Recommendation


- Soils and Foundations Handbook

221010 Review Access Management Report


Access management is the systematic control of location, spacing, design and operation of driveways, median openings, interchanges and connections to a roadway. Proper access management can improve the overall safety and efficiency of a roadway by reducing conflict points along a corridor. For widening projects, the PD&E report generally provides a proposed median access plan. During design, the EOR should review and re-evaluate the proposed access classification and access management strategy. The access management report should be signed and sealed by a traffic engineer, prepared in accordance with FAC 14-97, FDOT's Median Handbook and related guidance to address: existing median access (if applicable); existing and future development/traffic demand; and recommended median access plan. Preferred output includes aerials with proposed access plan shown, along with table of access plan showing spacing, type and location of proposed median openings and/or closures, along with sufficient narrative to explain basis for access management decisions. Note: Changes to property access will require a public meeting.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Line & Grade (Phase I)

- Line and Grade/Parcel Feasibility Meeting

- FDOT Systems Planning Office

133020 Geotech Foundations Report for BDR


This report shall present foundation alternatives analysis and the preferred foundation selected at the Pre-BDR meeting.

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3 - Plans Development/Project Management - Bridge Hydraulics Recommendation

- Structure Review of BDR

367020 Approved Exceptions/Variations and Submittal of Utility Design Alternatives


On this date, all design Exceptions/Variations shall be approved and obtained in order to proceed to the plans submittal. All Utility Design Alternatives shall be submitted prior to plans submittal. This package shall be submitted to PSEE by the FDOT project manager, when appropriate.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Exceptions/Variations (Include Utility Design Alternatives)

- Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- FDM Section 122

- Utility Accommodation Manual

197010 Pavement Design


The EOR prepares a pavement design package based on guidelines outlined in the Flexible Pavement Design Manual and the Rigid Pavement Design Manual. The Pavement Design will be submitted to the FDOT PM to start the Pavement Design approval process.
Note: The Duration of this event will be changed from 40 Days to 30 Days

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Design Traffic Received

- Pavement Data Received

- Line & Grade (Phase I)

- Pavement Design Review

- Constructability and MOT Review Meeting

- Incorporate Pavement Review Comments

- Pavement Design Publications

197015 Incorporate Pavement Review Comments


The EOR incorporates review comments received from the FDOT D5 Pavement Design Engineer into the Pavement Design Package. Once complete, the Pavement Design will be resubmitted to the FDOT PM for final approval by the FDOT D5 Pavement Design Engineer.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Design Traffic Received

- Pavement Data Received

- Line & Grade (Phase I)

- Constructability and MOT Review Meeting

- Pavement Design Review

- Pavement Design Approved

115010 BDR


The Bridge Development Report (BDR) is intended to establish the basic parameters for the bridge design that will affect the work done in the design and plans preparation phase. The BDR phase will contain sufficient detail for the justification of the proposed bridge type. The level of effort is dependent upon the complexity of the project.

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4- Structures/Related Geotech - Bridge Hydraulics Recommendation

- Pre-BDR Meeting

- Structure Review of BDR


900060 Interactive Project Update Meeting (for Minor Projects)


The objective of this meeting is for the FDOT Project Manager and EOR to meet informally with the City/County Staff, review the major design details affecting the local agencies, and discuss the progress on resolving the local agency's concerns. The meeting should be held at either the City or County offices and prior to finalizing Initial Plans (Phase II).

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8-Stakeholder Coordination/Public Involvement - Initial Plans (Phase II)

- Typical Section Approved

- Pavement Design

- Design Survey

- Constructability and MOT Review Meeting

- Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

271030 Signed Sealed Pond Site Report


This is the final deliverable of the reviewed and approved draft PSR. Copies of this report shall be retained be the FDOT PM and the District Design Drainage Engineer.

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5- Drainage/Permitting - Review Final Pond Site Report

- Line and Grade/Parcel Feasibility Meeting

- Drainage Manual & Drainage Design Guide

301010 Line and Grade/Parcel Feasibility Meeting


Line & Grade meetings are intended to be utilized for projects requiring reconstruction, new construction, widening with grade changes, or a combination. The meeting is intended to review and discuss the preliminary design geometry and challenges including, but not limited to horizontal alignment, grades, driveway connections, back of sidewalk profiles, side street geometry/profiles, water elevations affecting grades, bridge approach grades, bridge clearances, etc. The EOR should provide information on the project including decisions made and direction the design is going. An agenda will be used to assure all major project elements are discussed. After the meeting, both the construction estimate and the R/W estimate should be updated to account for any new directions given during this meeting.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Line & Grade (Phase I)

- Pond Notification Letter - Final

- Signed Sealed Pond Site Report

- Typical Section Approved

- Review Access Management Report

- Phase II Soils Report (Initial)

- R/W Estimate / Line & Grade Completion

- Initial Plans (Phase II)

- Drainage Design

- Agenda - Line and Grade

- Agenda - Line and Grade Example

- Line and Grade Invitees

339010 VE Study


Value Engineering is the systematic application of function- oriented techniques by a multi-disciplined team to analyze and improve the value of a product, facility, system, or service. A Value Engineering Study is usually performed for major projects. This can be done during PD&E or shortly after the Design phase begins. The FDOT Project Manager should work with the District VE Manager to determine proper timing of the VE Study (usually a 1-week process). After the dates are set the FDOT PM will work with the VE manager and the EOR to prepare all needed material to present to the VE Team. The FDOT PM and the EOR should make themselves available during that week to answer any questions from the VE Team, and they should be present at the VE presentation usually held on the final day of the Study. After resolution of the VE Recommendations, both the construction and R/W estimates should be updated.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Project Execution/PE Begin

- Initial Plans (Phase II)

- VE Procedure, Process Maps & Reports

372010 Submit Pavement Type Selection Report (Phase I)


This is the pavement type selection report submittal activity that is required for all applicable projects. This submittal should be made to the District Pavement Design Engineer who will QA the document, get District Design Engineer approval and then transmit it to the State Pavement Design Engineer in Central Office for further processing and submittal to Industry for review and comment. Please refer to the Department's Pavement Type Selection Manual for additional information and description of applicable projects. This activity is used for full roadway reconstruction or realignment.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Initial Plans (Phase II)

- Constructability and MOT Review Meeting

298030 R/W Estimate - Line & Grade Completion


This is the second of four scheduled Right of Way cost estimate updates. The FDOT Consultant Project Manager and the EOR will need to provide the FDOT R/W Cost Estimates/Design Support team an update of the anticipated right of way needed for the project. This will include all real property parcel impacts including potential ponds, corner clips, and strip takes. The impacts will need to be visualized on an appropriate exhibit and quantified on the Excel spreadsheet format provided at the Right of Way Kickoff Meeting or suitable alternative worksheet approved by the Right of Way Cost Estimate Coordinator.

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1- Right of Way Acquisition - Line and Grade/Parcel Feasibility Meeting

- Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- Project Scope Debriefing Presentation

238010 Phase I Evaluation of Consultant


This line item is placed in the schedule as a reminder to the FDOT Project Manager to perform an interim grade in the FDOT Consultant Evaluation System. This is utilized so that the Consultant Firm has some feedback as to their current performance on the project. Any questions concerning the Evaluation System can be addressed by D5 Consultant Project Management – CES Administrator.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Line and Grade/Parcel Feasibility Meeting

- Phase II Evaluation of Consultant

- Consultant Evaluation (CE) system
      (connection to FDOT network/VPN is needed)
131010 Phase II Soils Report (Initial)


This report shall present the boring profiles with groundwater information, final LBR recommendation, Roadway Soil Survey sheet for inclusion in the contract plans, soil parameters and other appropriate analyses. This report shall be updated for subsequent plans submittals based on plan changes and review comments. Please refer to the Soils and Foundations Handbook and the FDM Part 3, Chapter 318.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Line and Grade/Parcel Feasibility Meeting

- Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- Soils and Foundations Handbook


109010 Drainage Design


Drainage design runs concurrently with Initial Roadway Plans. This activity tracks the design of the drainage work involved with the project. The BHR is tracked separately. Drainage design can include items such as but not limited to pavement drainage, storm drain design, open channel flow, culverts, stormwater ponds, and optional pipe materials analysis (not due until 90% Plans). An engineering evaluation should be conducted on all relevant drainage elements of the project, both permanent and temporary. A set of Review Checklists can be found on the State FDOT website for Drainage Design, which provides guidelines for common drainage and stormwater aspects of FDOT projects. The designer will provide a Drainage Design Report to accompany all phase submittals (signed and sealed for the Final Phase submittal) that addresses the entire project design.

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5- Drainage/Permitting - Line and Grade/Parcel Feasibility Meeting

- Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- Drainage Manual & Drainage Design Guide

- D5’s Drainage Guidelines

113020 Initial Plans (Phase II)


This is the preliminary development of Roadway Plans as defined by FDM, Section 110. Upon completion of this phase, utility coordination can begin, the permit application can be submitted, and R/W requirements must be identified. The LRE should be updated at the completion of this phase to provide a more accurate construction cost. All pay items should be loaded into AASHTOWARE Project (previously known as TRNS*PORT)..

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Design Survey

- VE Study

- Line and Grade/Parcel Feasibility Meeting

- 60% R/W Control Survey Map Review

- Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- Title Search Work

- Submit Pavement Type Selection Report (Phase I)

- Interactive Project Update Meeting (for Minor Projects)

315030 60% R/W Control Survey Map Review


The 60% R/W Control Survey Map stage builds upon the 30% R/W Control Survey Map to depict the remainder of the right of way survey elements such as; existing right of way lines, subdivisions, and miscellaneous property ties.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - 60% R/W Control Survey Map

- 90% R/W Control Survey Map

- FDOT D5 - Survey & Mapping - Map Preparation & Review - QA/QC Management Plan

197020 Constructability and MOT Review Meeting


This is a scheduled meeting with the FDOT project manager, the EOR, the District Pavement Design Engineer, and the Resident Asphalt Specialist to discuss the pavement design being proposed by the EOR. Topics to be discussed are the structure, the base, the existing and proposed conditions, heavy users in the project vicinity, constructability, cross-slope corrections, variations, cost, TTCP, etc. After the meeting, the EOR should be able to finalize the pavement design for sign and seal and concurrence.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Pavement Design

- Submit Pavement Type Selection Report (Phase I)

- Pavement Data Received

- Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- Interactive Project Update Meeting (for Minor Projects)

- Constructability & MOT Meeting Agenda
197030 Pavement Design Review


The Pavement Design will be submitted to the FDOT PM to upload into PSEE to start the Pavement Design approval process.

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3 - Plans Development/Project Management - Pavement Design

- Pavement Design Approved

315140 90% R/W Control Survey Map


The 90% R/W Control Survey Map stage includes finalizing all required field books and ensuring all Certified Corner Reports (CCR’s) have been processed and filed with the Department of Environmental Protection.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - R/W Survey

- 60% R/W Control Survey Map Review

- 90% R/W Control Survey Map Review

- Survey & Mapping Office

197040 Pavement Design Approved


Final approval of the pavement design package will be completed after the Constructability and MOT Review Meeting, after all comments have been addressed with the District Roadway office, and prior to Initial Plans Review. Construction costs changes associated with the pavement design should be identified and sent to the FDOT PM, updated in LRE, and quantities reflected in the Initial Plans.

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3 - Plans Development/Project Management - Pavement Design Review

- Constructability and MOT Review Meeting

- Typical Section Approved

- Interactive Project Update Meeting (for Minor Projects)

- Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

146010 Title Search Work Updates


The title search work is done by FDOT Surveying & Mapping. The R/W Surveyor is required to submit a property appraisers map with all properties marked that are affected by the project (this will not include those properties that are affected by minor driveway connections only). At this stage of design development at least 85-95% (if not all) of the affected parcels are known. Also, after the initial identification of properties affected, the EOR must keep the Surveyor updated if new properties are identified and the Surveyor must submit follow up title search requests.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - Initial Plans (Phase II)

- 90% R/W Control Survey Map

- 60% R/W Map Review

- 90% R/W Control Survey Map Review

315040 90% R/W Control Survey Map Review


The 90% R/W Control Survey Map review is a final review confirming all elements of the previous reviews have been addressed along with ensuring the survey database, field books and map are all in agreement. Confirmation of Certified Corner Reports (CCR) completed and filed with DEP. Upon acceptance, the 90% R/W Control Survey Map is placed on hold until the 60% R/W Map review stage. Note: The next map stage development is the 30% R/W Map.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - 90% R/W Control Survey Map

- 30% R/W Map (Includes Topo)

- FDOT D5 - Survey & Mapping - Map Preparation & Review - QA/QC Management Plan

138010 30% R/W Map (includes TOPO)


Starts as a copy of the 90% R/W Control Survey Map and revised accordingly, i.e. removing surveyor's certification, updating general notes and changing title blocks. The required TOPOgraphic elements are merged into the drawing.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - 90% R/W Control Survey Map Review

- 30% R/W Map Review

- Survey & Mapping Office

262010 Public Hearing


An informal gathering (workshop/open house), held at a designated location, where participants review project related materials, engage with project team members, and provide comments. Meeting participants may include individuals, elected/appointed officials, special interest groups, agency representatives and the general public. Responses to written comments should be completed and approved by the PIO office within two weeks from the end of the comment period. Comments and responses should become part of the Public Engagement Meeting report.

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9 - Project Management - Develop CAP Strategy

Initial Plans (Phase II)

292010 Public Information Meeting


An informal gathering (workshop/open house) held at a designated location, where participants review project related materials, engage with project team members, and provide comments. Meeting participants may include individuals, elected/appointed officials, special interest groups, agency representatives and the general public. Responses to written comments should be completed and approved by the PIO office within two weeks from the end of the comment period. Comments and responses should become part of the Public Engagement Meeting report.

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311010 Structure Review of BDR


The EOR should have the comprehensive Bridge Development Report (BDR) complete and ready to send to the applicable offices for review. The BDR shall be submitted to the following offices for review: State Structures Design Office (as applicable), FHWA (as applicable), District Structures Design Office, District Geotechnical Office, District Construction Office, District Structures & Facilities Office and District Drainage Office (as applicable).

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4- Structures/Related Geotech - Bridge Hydraulics Recommendation


- Geotech Foundations Report for BDR

- Typical Section Approved

- 30% Structure Plans

- 30% Geotech Foundations Report

- Load Rating Report

900045 Plans in Hand Review w Construction & Utilities


The purpose of the Plans-In-Hand field review is to evaluate the constructability of the Phase II plans. The FDOT Project Manager will schedule this meeting at least two (2) weeks prior to the Phase II submittal date. Required participants should include: FDOT PM, Consultant PM, a FDOT Roadway Design representative, Consultant Utility Coordinator, FDOT Utility PM, FDOT Construction-Design Coordination Group, and FDOT Local Operations Office Construction PM. If the project has Off-System limits, the Local Agency(s) Maintenance/Construction representative should be invited. The team will meet on-site and will walk the corridor together, looking for missing elements in the plans, conflicts with utilities and other structures, encroachments, and general constructability. The Consultant PM is expected to provide a preliminary set of plans to the FDOT PM at least two (2) days prior to the Plans in Hand field review, prepare the agenda (if required), sign-in sheet and meeting minutes.

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9 - Project Management - Initial Plans (Phase II)

- Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

900040 Initial Design Team Meeting (Phase II)


For Major Projects only. The Initial (Phase II) Design Team meeting is intended to review the engineer's approach to the final design of all major elements of the project and resolve any differences. An agenda will be provided, and all project review experts will be invited. Utility owners and Local Agencies are encouraged to attend. At this meeting, a Scope Debriefing will be held to discuss changes to the project since the original scope was negotiated. If the Initial Design Team Meeting is held outside the District Office a separate Scope Debriefing Meeting will be needed.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- Final Plans and Model (Phase III)

- Project Scope Debriefing Presentation

- Initial Design Team Meeting Agenda

183020 Load Rating Report


Draft Load Rating Report should be submitted with 90% Plans. Summaries (Excel & CADD), brief narrative (i.e. reason for the rating, assumptions, bridge condition if widening, discussion as needed), relevant superstructure plan sheets, and calculations. Inputs should show all strengths and geometry. Prefer PDF with page numbers. If FEM (finite element model) then provide zip inputs and outputs. One report per structure. This report to be reviewed by Structures Maintenance.

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4- Structures/Related Geotech - Structure Review of BDR

- 60% Structure Plans


- Submit Load Rating Report

- Email Reports here

- FDOT Load Rating Manual

133030 30% Geotech Foundations Report


This report contains the geotechnical recommendations for the structures' foundations and should incorporate any changes based on BDR review comments. This report is reviewed by FDOT Structures and GeoTechnical Office(s).

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4- Structures/Related Geotech - Structure Review of BDR

- Review 30% Structure Plans

115030 30% Structure Plans


The 30% Structure Plans provide the basic geometry and preliminary member sizes of the structural elements. This submittal can be combined with the BDR for small / minor projects.

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4- Structures/Related Geotech - Structure Review of BDR

- Load Rating Report

- Review 30% Structure Plans

- Structures Manual

106020 Updated Design Survey Database Submittal


This submittal is required at the same time Initial Plans (Phase II) is submitted to the Department for review. This includes all the additional design survey done since the initial mainline design survey database submittal and includes all the updated MicroStation drawing files. At this time, basically the majority of the design survey has been completed and provides sufficient survey data for the EOR to finalize the right of way requirements needed for the project.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- Certified Design Survey Deliverables

- FDOT Surveying & Mapping Handbook

424010 R/W Design Support Field Review


This is an on-site field review of anticipated right of way impacts which should be accomplished prior to the 60% Mapping Team (Parcel by Parcel) Meeting (Activity Code 9000050). The purpose of this field review is to identify all proposed take areas and to identify potential problem take areas that should be avoided or minimized to reduce ROW impacts to the project. The FDOT Consultant Project Manager, the project EOR and the Right of Way Project Manager will need to meet on the project to review all anticipated right of way impacts and proposed acquisitions. The Design Team will need to provide the Right of Way Project Manager an update of the anticipated right of way needed for the project. You will need to include all real property parcel impacts including potential ponds, corner clips, strip takes and impacted improvements. The parcel impacts will need to be visualized on an appropriate exhibit and quantified on the Excel spreadsheet format provided at the Right of Way Kickoff Meeting or suitable alternative worksheet approved by the Right of Way Cost Estimate Coordinator

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1- Right of Way Acquisition - R/W Estimate - Line & Grade Completion

- R/W Estimate - Initial Plans Completion

- PH 4B ROW Service Contract Exec.

450010 Obtain/Verify TIP/STIP Approval


The State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is a federally mandated document which must include a listing of projects planned with federal participation in the next four fiscal years. Each Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) in the state is required by Florida Statutes to have a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) which, as a component of this plan, must include a listing of projects planned for the next five fiscal years. Federal law requires each MPO TIP to be included without change in the STIP. This event ensures the Project is consistent with these two documents. If the project is not constituent with the TIP/STIP, the scope of the project significantly changed, or the cost estimate of the project changed by 2 million dollars (or 70%), the project will have to go through the MPO verification process. The MPO verification process can take four (4) to eight (8) weeks. The point of contact for this event is Government Liaison Administrator.

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9 - Project Management - Initial Plans (Phase II)

302010 Initial Plans Review (Phase II)


The EOR will contact the FDOT PM to coordinate the submittal date, and EOR will send all submittal documents to the FDOT PM who will upload them to ERC and assign to reviewers. (Note: Plans should be distributed to local agencies within the project’s influence, including cities, counties, transit, etc.) The EOR shall attach a signed Conformance to Quality Control letter to the submittal. All reviewer comments are documented in the Electronic Review Comments (ERC) system.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Initial Plans (Phase II)

- Interactive Project Update Meeting (for Minor Projects)

- Pavement Design

- Updated Design Survey Database Submittal

- Constructability and MOT Review Meeting

- Drainage Design

- Approved Exceptions/Variations and Submittal of Utility Design Alternatives

- Phase II Soils Report (Initial)

- R/W Estimate / Line & Grade Completion

- LDCA Approved

- Railroad Contact

- Confirm Local Support for Initial Plans

- Initial Design Team Meeting (Phase II)

- Phase II Evaluation of Consultant

- Respond to Comments Initial Plans (Phase II)

- R/W Estimate - Initial Plans Completion

- Updated Design Survey Database Submittal

- Final Plans and Model (Phase III)

- Utility Contact (for minor project)

- Utility Contact (RGB)

- Submit Pavement Type Selection Report (Phase II)

- FDOT Quality Concurrence Letter
      (connection to FDOT network/VPN or FDOT logon credential is needed)

- Plans Review and Comments Ch 1.1

- ERC Submittal Form
      (connection to FDOT network/VPN or FDOT logon credential is needed)

- Plans Checklist (D-5 CPM Tools)
      (connection to FDOT network/VPN or FDOT logon credential is needed)

140010 30% R/W Map Review


The 30% R/W Map is a copy of the approved 90% R/W Control Survey Map. At this stage, the topographic improvements are added. This review confirms the topographic improvements incorporated along with the revisions required to convert the R/W Control Survey Map to a right of way map have been addressed. This map serves as the base exhibit for the Pre-Parcel Review meeting where the Engineer of Record (EOR) presents the proposed right of way requirements for the project. The offices of Design, Right of Way, Legal, and Survey & Mapping are present to address any concerns or make recommendations on the adjustment of the final right of way requirements.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - 30% R/W Map (Includes Topo)

- Pre-Parcel Review Meeting

- 60% R/W Map

- FDOT D5 - Survey & Mapping - Map Preparation & Review - QA/QC Management Plan

900090 Pre-Parcel Review Meeting


This meeting is set up with the FDOT PM, Consultant PM, EOR, Consultant R/W Surveyor, FDOT Project Surveyor, FDOT Mapping/ Title Specialist, FDOT R/W Special Project Coordinator, FDOT Utilities Coordinator, FDOT R/W Cost Estimates, and FDOT Legal (eminent domain). At the meeting, a cursory review is performed parcel by parcel of the proposed R/W fee takes, easements and all driveway tie-ins that extend beyond the existing and/or proposed right of way line. This meeting is a proactive approach to fine tune requirements to provide the most cost-effective requirements possible.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - 90% R/W Control Survey Map Review

- 30% R/W Map Review

- R/W Impact Revisions

- Pre-Parcel Review Meeting Process

- Pre-Parcel Review Spreadsheet

264010 Utility Contact (for minor project)


The consultant shall transmit 2 complete sets of Initial Plans to each UAO, and 1 set to the DOT with a conflict matrix. The CONSULTANT shall schedule (time and place) for a Utility Meeting, notify participants, and conduct the Meeting with all affected UAO(s). The CONSULTANT shall discuss drainage, signals, MOT, schedule, evaluate the utility information collected, provide follow-up on compensable interest requests, discuss the utility work by highway contractor, discuss future design issues that may impact utilities, etc. The intent of this meeting shall be to identify conflicts between utilities and proposed construction prior to completion of the plans. Also, recommend resolution between known utility conflicts with proposed construction plans as practical. The CONSULTANT shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings and distribute a copy to all attendees. The Utility Agency Owner shall highlight their existing proposed facilities, as well as those to be removed on the plans, to be plotted by the Engineer of Record. A Utility Work Schedule or No Conflict Letter is not needed at this time, due to a re-contact schedule.

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2- Utilities - Respond to Comments Initial Plans (Phase II)

- Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- DUO/CUC Review

- Utilities Certified

- 100% Final Production Plans Coordination

- Utility Accommodation Manual

- UWHC Process Flow-Instructions

373010 Submit Pavement Type Selection Report (Phase II)


This is a subsequent pavement type selection report submittal activity that is required for applicable projects. This is the third submittal generally required with the initial report being done during the PD&E phase of the project and the second submittal having taken place during the phase I development of the project. This submittal should be made to the District Pavement Design Engineer who will QA the document, get District Design Engineer approval and then transmit it to the State Pavement Design Engineer in Central Office for further processing and submittal to Industry for final review and comment. The purpose of this third report is to verify the assumptions used in the previously submitted reports and to provide a more comprehensive design and analysis based on the information current at the time of this third and final submittal. Please refer to the Department's current Pavement Type Selection Manual for additional information and description of applicable projects.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- Final Plans and Model (Phase III)

302030 Respond to Comments Initial Plans (Phase II)


This is the timeframe that the EOR responds to comments from the Initial Plans (PH II) review. All reviewer comments are documented in the Electronic Review Comments (ERC) system. The FDOT PM should work with all review units to ensure reviews are performed by the due date. The EOR should respond to each comment individually and the reviewer will accept, reject or request additional information. Unresolved comments will require coordination with the reviewer, EOR and FDOT PM. Any unresolved comments should be addressed until all parties are satisfied, to include but not limited to: phone conferences, interactive review, etc. The FDOT PM is responsible to monitor the process until comments are successfully resolved.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Updated Design Survey Database Submittal

- Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- Confirm Local Support for Initial Plans

- Final Plans and Model (Phase III)

- Utility Contact (for minor project)

- Utility Contact (RGB)

- Phase III Soils Report

- R/W Impact Revisions

- Pre-Parcel Review Meeting

- FDOT Quality Concurrence Letter
      (connection to FDOT network/VPN or FDOT logon credential is needed)

238020 Phase II Evaluation of Consultant


This line item is placed in the schedule as a reminder to the FDOT Project Manager to perform an interim grade in the FDOT Consultant Evaluation System. This is utilized so that the Consultant Firm has some feedback as to their current performance on the project. Any questions concerning the Evaluation System can be addressed by D5 Consultant Project Management – CES Administrator.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- Phase III Evaluation of Consultant

138030 R/W Impact Revisions


EOR adjusts the design to address right of way requirement revisions based upon the outcome of the Pre-Parcel Review Meeting and the Initial Plans Review.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination -Respond to Comments Initial Plans (Phase II)

-Pre-Parcel Review Meeting

-Final R/W Requirements & LOC to S&M

302040 Incorporate Initial Plans (Phase II) Review Comments


This is the time frame that the EOR must update the Initial Plans (Phase II) with the comments and changes received from the Initial Plans (PH II) Review. The District Utility Office requires that the plans be updated prior to making utility contacts.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management Respond to Comments Phase II Plans

- Utility Contact (for minor project)

- Utility Contact (RGB)

145010 Environmental Permit Application Process


This process outlines the steps necessary to prepare, review and submit permits to appropriate agencies. It includes completion of permit application, relevant attachments (i.e. project location map, aerials, affidavit of ownership, pictures, additional technical analysis, etc.), and cover letter with project description. A 12-step process is given in the attached link.

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5- Drainage/Permitting - Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- Environmental Permit Coordination Meeting

- Environmental Permit Agency Review

267010 Railroad Contact


The FDOT Railroad Coordinator contacts railroad representatives advising them of active projects within or near their railroad facilities. This contact is done in writing and includes a project description and projected fiscal year funding information.

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3- Plans Development / Project Management - Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- Railroad Clear Memo

131020 Phase III Soils Report


This report will address the Phase II review comments and any new geotechnical issues.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Respond to Comments Initial Plans (Phase II)

- Final Plans Review (Phase III)

359010 Confirm Local Support for Initial Plans


The FDOT Project Manager will confirm local (County/City) support from the designated local (County/City) contact obtained during the Stakeholders meeting or ‘Contact Local Agencies’. The locals should have been provided with the submittal in the ERC. The submittal may have to be electronically delivered, via email or FTA, if the locals are not in the ERC system. To confirm local support, the FDOT Project Manager should contact the locals, email or phone, after 'Respond to Comments' is complete and be sure any additional comments or concerns have been addressed. Confirmation should be obtained in writing via email, meeting minutes, etc.

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8- Stakeholder Coordination / Public Involvement - Respond to Comments Initial Plans (Phase II)

- Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- Final Plans and Model (Phase III)

322020 Final R/W Requirements & LOC to S&M


Consultant Designer/EOR submits final right of way requirements and the Limits of Construction (LOC) to the R/W Surveyor & Mapper (S&M). The operative word here is FINAL.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - R/W Impact Revisions

- 60% R/W Map

307010 Review 30% Structure Plans


The 30% Structure Plans shall be submitted by the FDOT PM to the following offices for review. District Structures Design Office, District Geotechnical Office, District Construction Office, District Structures Facilities Office District Drainage Office and District Utilities Office.

For Category II structures the State Structures Design Office will also perform a review. The FDOT PM should contact the District Structures Design Office for the State Structures contact.

For Federal Oversight projects FHWA will also perform a review.

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4- Structures/Related Geotech - 30% Structure Plans

- 30% Geotech Foundations Report

- 60% Structure Plans

- 60% Geotech Foundations Report

- FDOT Structures Manual

900050 60% Mapping Team Meeting (Parcel by Parcel)


The intent of this meeting is to do a parcel by parcel review of the right of way requirements necessary for the construction and maintenance of the project including driveway tie-ins. The R/W Surveyor overlays the R/W requirements and LOC provided by the EOR on the R/W Map and provides sets at the meeting. The purpose is to address all final comments and establish the final right of way requirement needs. The parcel revision tracking form (aka. R/W Change Tracking Form) must be submitted to the Department no more than three (3) working days after the meeting. ALL PARCEL NUMBERS MUST BE ISSUED BY THE FDOT SURVEYING & MAPPING TITLE UNIT.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - Title Search Work

- R/W Impact Revisions

- Final R/W Requirements & LOC to S&M

- 60% R/W Map Review

- 90% R/W Map

- 60% Mapping Team Meeting Process
      (connection to FDOT network/VPN is needed)

- ROW Requirement Change Tracking Form

329010 Request Environmental Review


Environmental evaluations are required on all project during the Design Phase. The level of assessment and documentation depends on the type of project. Coordination with EMO will commence with the Plans Review via ERC.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management Start with activity: -
Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- Environmental/Certification Complete

139010 60% R/W Map


Parent tract properties, based on complete title search work or last deed of record if title work is not complete, for all proposed R/W take areas finalized and the requirements and limits of construction are shown graphically. The Table of Ownership sheet is started at this stage. A team field review is required at this stage to ensure all TOPOgraphic elements required for take areas are shown on the map.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - 30% R/W Map Review

- Final R/W Requirements & LOC to S&M

- 60% Mapping Team Meeting (Parcel by Parcel)

- 60% R/W Map Review

- FDOT Surveying & Mapping Office

264030 Utility Contact (RGB)


On or before this date the consultant shall transmit a complete set of approved Phase II Plans, to each UAO, with a conflict matrix. The CONSULTANT shall schedule (time and place) for a Utility Meeting, notify participants, and conduct the Meeting with all affected UAO(s). The CONSULTANT shall discuss drainage, signals, MOT, schedule, evaluate the utility information collected, provide follow-up on compensable interest requests, discuss the utility work by highway contractor/reimbursement, discuss future design issues that may impact utilities, etc. The intent of this meeting shall be to discuss and resolve conflicts between utilities and proposed construction prior to completion of the plans. The CONSULTANT shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings and distribute a copy to all attendees. After this meeting, the Utility Agency Owner shall provide marked plans highlighting their existing/proposed facilities, as well as those to be removed on the plans, to be plotted by the Engineer of Record. A UWS is not required at this time.

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2- Utilities - Initial Utility Design Conference

- Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- DUO/CUC Review

- Utility Accommodation Manual

264050 Utility Contact (for major projects - UWS)


Description will be updated soon.

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2- Utilities - Review Updated Plans

- DUO/CUC Review

- Utilities Certified

- Utility Accommodation Manual

359030 Confirm Local Support for Updated Plans


The FDOT Project Manager will confirm local support after Responses to Comments are complete for the updated plans review.  Prior to and during Review and Responses to Comments, the FDOT Project Manager should be coordinating with Local Agencies to confirm local support for the project.  Local support should be confirmed prior to proceeding to Production.

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8- Stakeholder Coordination / Public Involvement - Review Updated Plans

- 100% Plans Coordination

222020 Updated Permits Clear


All updated permits necessary for construction of the project have been obtained. These permits include but are not limited to water management district permits, ACOE, Coast Guard, FFWCC, etc.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Update Permits

- Utilities Certified

- 100% Plans Coordination

- Plans Completed

113030 Final Plans and Model (Phase III)


This is the Final Plans (PH III) development stage. All Initial Plans (PH II) comments have been addressed or resolved and are reflected in the plans as appropriate.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Respond to Comments Initial Plans (Phase II)

- R/W Impact Revisions

- Confirm Local Support for Initial Plans

- Phase II Evaluation of Consultant

- Initial Design Team Meeting (Phase II)

- Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- Submit Pavement Type Selection Report (Phase II)

- DUO/CUC Review

- Final Plans Review (Phase III) - Review 90% Structure Plans

- Submittal Checklist

329020 Environmental/Certification Complete


An environmental certification is required for all projects. For minor project, once the Environmental Permits Clear document is received, submit an email to the Environmental Management Office and include the following: FPID#, detailed project description which includes the work activities to be performed and if the project is state or federally funded. For major projects, the environmental certification will be supplied after a construction advertisement evaluation has been approved.

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3- Plans Development / Project Management - All Environmental Permits Clear

- Complete Package to DCPME

298060 R/W Estimate - Initial Plans Completion


This is the third of four scheduled Right of Way cost estimate updates. The FDOT Consultant Project Manager and the EOR will need to provide the FDOT R/W Cost Estimates/Design Support team an update of the anticipated right of way needed for the project. All real property parcel impacts need to be accounted for, including potential ponds, corner clips, and strip takes. The impacts will be visualized on an appropriate exhibit and quantified on the form provided at the Right of Way Kickoff Meeting or suitable alternative worksheet approved by the Right of Way Cost Estimate Coordinator.

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1- Right of Way Acquisition - Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- 60% Mapping Team Meeting

- Final Plans Review (Phase III)

133040 60% Geotech Foundations Report


This report will address the 30% review comments and any new structural issues.

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4- Structures/Related Geotech - 30% Structure Plans

- 60% Structure Plans

115040 60% Structure Plans


The purpose of this submittal is to communicate essential project information to the Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineers to ensure that all remaining calculations can be performed using actual structural shapes, loads and dimensions. This submittal is only a partial plans submittal and the requirements vary depending on the category of structure.

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4- Structures/Related Geotech - 30% Structure Plans

- 60% R/W Map Review

- FDM (Section 260)

272010 Environmental Permit Agency Review


After the Submittal of Permit Application, the Environmental Permits Office will monitor the progress of all permits under agency review. The Consultant will respond to all requests for additional information from the regulatory agencies and report to the Environmental Permits Office. The Environmental Permits Office will review all additional information prior to the Consult official submittal to the agencies.

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5- Drainage/Permitting - Environmental Permit Application Process

- Environmental Permit Coordination Meeting

- Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

- All Environmental Permits Clear

308010 Review 60% Structure Plans


The 60% Structure Plans shall be submitted by the FDOT PM to the following offices for review. District Structures Design Office, District Geotechnical Office, District Construction Office, District Structures Facilities Office District Drainage Office and District Utilities Office.

For Category II structures the State Structures Design Office will also perform a review. The FDOT PM should contact the District Structures Design Office for the State Structures contact.

For Federal Oversight projects FHWA will also perform a review.

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4- Structures/Related Geotech - 60% Structure Plans

- 60% Geotech Foundations Report

- 90% Structure Plans

- 90% Geotech Foundations Report

279010 Railroad Clear Memo


The purpose of this memo is to inform the FDOT Project Manager of any railroad involvement within the project limits. This memo is issued by the FDOT Railroad Coordinator and sent to the FDOT Project Manager for further distribution.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Railroad Contact

- Complete Package to DCPME

359052 3rd Annual Local Agency Update


This meeting, which is held 365 days after the 2nd Annual Local Agency Contact Meeting, is held to update Local Agencies on the status of the project.  The time spent while the project is "on the shelf" or in Right of Way can be periods of leadership changes, priority changes and continued development within the Local Agency.  During these periods, the Project Manager should make annual contact with the Local Agencies advising of the status of the project and inquiring if there are any changes the Department should be aware of.  The Local Government Partnering Meetings are a good opportunity to perform this annual contact.  Depending on the feedback received, additional public involvement efforts may be necessary to ensure continued support and consensus of the project.

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8- Stakeholder Coordination / Public Involvement - 2nd Annual Local Agency Update

212010 Transmit PS&E Package (Central Office)


The date that the Contract File (inclusive of plans, specifications, etc) are transmitted to Tallahassee, so that Contracts Office can advertise the project, allowing contractors to bid.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - PS&E Review(s)

- Local Agency Letting Update

- Letting Date

370010 Transmit PS&E Package (District)


The date that the Contract File (inclusive of plans, specifications, etc) are transmitted to District Contracts, so that Contracts Office can advertise the project, allowing contractors to bid.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - PS&E Review(s)

- Local Agency Letting Update

- Letting Date

359060 Local Agency Letting Update


Prior to letting, the Local Agencies should be contacted once again.  The purpose of this final design contact would be to inform them of the project moving to letting and construction, review the final outcome of Local Agency issues, and provide contact information for the Resident Construction Office that will be responsible for the administration of the construction and continuing public involvement efforts for the Department.  Specifically, the contact information for the Resident Engineer and Resident's Public Information Specialist should be provided to the Local Agencies.  The recommended approach for this final contact is a telephone call to the primary project contact for each Local Agency, followed by an email to all Local Agency personnel involved in the project.  Include the Resident office staff in this email as they (the Resident Office) will again contact locals immediately prior to the Contractor beginning construction operations.

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8- Stakeholder Coordination / Public Involvement - Transmit PS&E Package (Central Office)

- Transmit PS&E Package (District)

- Letting Date

280010 Letting Date


This is the date set by work program for the Department to open bid proposals from Contractors. This date typically occurs approximately 3 months after the production date.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Local Agency Letting Update

  - FDOT - Contracts Administration

236010 Final Evaluation of Consultant


This line item is placed in the schedule as a reminder to the FDOT Project Manager to perform a final grade in the FDOT Consultant Grading System. This is utilized so that the Consultant Firm has some feedback as to their overall performance on the project. Any questions concerning the Grading System can be addressed by the FDOT Professional Services unit (Duration: 62 Calendar Days).

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Letting Date

  - Consultant Grades

- Draft Major Consultant Template

- Draft Minor Consultant Template

- Consultant Evaluation Management Template

- Consultant Evaluation Quality Template

971020 Pass the Torch Meeting


Pass the Torch Meeting is intended to transfer all relevant production project information to construction.  Right of Way is responsible for scheduling these meetings within two weeks of the project letting date.  Representatives should include the Design project manager, the consultant, the appraiser, R/W general consultant, R/W agents, Legal, Access Management representative, utilities and construction.  The agenda is a parcel by parcel discussion of the issues and commitments made from the PD&E, Design, Right of Way, Utilities, and Legal.  Construction is provided with a notebook containing parcel ownership information, aerial photographs, cure plans and hard copies of right of entries, final judgments, deeds, easements, etc.  A right of way contact is designated for continued support throughout the project construction.  A right of way team leader chairs the meeting and provides the minutes.

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1- Right of Way Acquisition - Letting Date

140020 60% R/W Map Review


The 60% R/W Map sheets (Cover, Key, Detail, Reference Point) and the partially completed Table of Ownership (TAB) sheet are required for this review. This submittal also includes the right of way requirements graphically shown, parcel bubbles and numbers, Limits of Construction and complete geometry on parent tract properties.

The limits of construction are reviewed to ensure that sufficient right of way has been identified or if excessive, it is questioned. The title search (or current deed) is reviewed and parent tract property boundaries are verified. A field review is held with Appraisal personnel and the consultant (or in house) project surveyor to verify topographic improvements and identify any new improvements or to identify any improvements missed during the initial survey that need to be added to the map. FDOT Surveying & Mapping sends one set of the 60% R/W Map to affected Utility Companies.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - 60% R/W Map

- 90% R/W Map

- FDOT D5 - Survey & Mapping - Map Preparation & Review - QA/QC Management Plan

133050 90% Geotech Foundations Report


This report will address the 60% review comments and any new structural issues including walls, etc.

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4- Structures/Related Geotech - 60% R/W Map Review

- 90% Structure Plans

115050 90% Structure Plans


The design and the plans production shall be 100% complete at this stage. The EOR should have resolved all 30% and 60% structures plans review comments and developed the plans for completion. This submittal shall include prints of the completed plans, Summary of Pay Items (quantities), design calculations, Geotechnical Report, Addendums to Hydraulic Report, and TSP’s if appropriate.

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4- Structures/Related Geotech - 60% R/W Map Review

- Review 90% Structure Plans

- Submit Load Rating Report

315050 R/W Control Survey Map Complete


FDOT Surveying & Mapping unit requests Final Delivery of the R/W Control Survey Map package which includes MYLARS of all map sheets along with the required number of certified paper copies and other supporting documentation (i.e., final field books). This deliverable typically coincides with acceptance of the 60% R/W Map.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - 60% R/W Map Review

- 90% R/W Map Review

146110 Title Search Update


This activity is performed by FDOT Surveying & Mapping during the 90% R/W Map stage. Updated title searches are provided to the R/W Surveyor as they are finalized.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - 60% R/W Map Review

- 100% R/W Map

139020 90% R/W Map


Includes all map sheets (Cover, Key, Detail, Reference Point, Table of Ownership) and legal descriptions on all acquisition areas. Address any title changes reflected in the title search updates. All existing easements are added to the R/W Map based on the title search. Geometry on proposed acquisition areas and remainder parent tract areas are finalized. The R/W Surveyor sends one set of 90% R/W Maps to the EOR for a comparison review against the design plans to ensure the existing and/or proposed R/W agree and that sufficient R/W has been established for project construction and future maintenance. If a TIITF Easement is part of the scope, the sketch and legal are also submitted for review.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - 60% R/W Map Review

- 90% R/W Map Review

325010 Prepare TIITF Package


See explanation of TIITF under the TIITF Determination activity #325020. If required, the preparation of the sketch and legal description begins at the same time as the 90% R/W Map stage. Survey field work required to support the certified sketch was completed under the R/W Survey activity.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - TIITF Determination

- 60% R/W Map Review

- Documents to R/W

971010 Assemble R/W Team


Right-of-way appraisal, acquisition and relocation administrators field trip the project; team members are identified; general consultant for appraisal support is selected; parcel summary sheets are drafted.

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1- Right of Way Acquisition - 90% R/W Map Review

- Appraisal Contract

140030 90% R/W Map Review


Includes all map sheets (Cover, Key, Detail, Reference Point, Table of Ownership) and legal descriptions on all acquisition areas. A complete geometric review is done for all parcels and parent tract remainders to verify accuracy. All existing easements within acquisition areas are shown along with the holder's name, recording data and width, if uniform. For blanket easement(s), the holder's name and recording data is required to be shown near the acquisition area(s). The Table of Ownership (TAB Sheet) is reviewed for accuracy and completeness. Parcel and parent tract descriptions are reviewed by the FDOT Mapping/ Title Specialist in coordination with the FDOT Surveying & Mapping Project Manager and any comments are addressed. Upon acceptance of the 90% R/W Map by FDOT staff, the R/W Control Survey Map Final Deliverable with MYLARS, certified field book(s), and certified database is requested.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - R/W Control Survey Map Complete

- 90% R/W Map

- 100% R/W Map

- FDOT D5 - Survey & Mapping - Map Preparation & Review - QA/QC Management Plan

303010 Final Plans Review (Phase III)


The EOR will send all submittal documents to the FDOT PM who will upload them to ERC and assign to reviewers. (Note: Plans should be distributed to local agencies within the project’s influence, including cities, counties, transit, etc.) The EOR shall attach a signed Conformance to Quality Control letter to the submittal. All reviewer comments are documented in the Electronic Review Comments (ERC) system. At this stage, the design of the project should be complete, with all major cost pay items loaded and quantified.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Final Plans and Model (Phase III)

- Phase III Soils Report

- R/W Estimate - Initial Plans Completion

- 100% R/W Map

- R/W Estimate - Final Plans Completion

- FDOT Quality Concurrence Letter
      (connection to FDOT network/VPN or FDOT logon credential is needed)

- Phase Review Checklist (CPAM)

184010 Submit Load Rating Report


Submit sealed Load Rating Report with Final Contract Plans (100% Plans if Design-Build). Seal both summaries. PDF or ZIP formats are preferred; paper is acceptable. One report per structure. Once approvals are given, a finalized Load Rating - Post Construction Sheet is sent to the FDOT Structures Maintenance Engineer for the project files.

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4- Structures/Related Geotech - 90% Structure Plans

- Review 90% Structure Plans

- Load Rating Report

- Email reports to: D5-LoadRating@dot.state.fl.us

- FDOT Load Rating Manual

308020 Review 90% Structure Plans


The 90% Structure Plans shall be submitted by the FDOT PM to the following offices for review. District Structures Design Office, District Geotechnical Office, District Construction Office, District Structures Facilities Office District Drainage Office and District Utilities Office.

For Category II structures the State Structures Design Office will also perform a review. The FDOT PM should contact the District Structures Design Office for the State Structures contact.

For Federal Oversight projects FHWA will also perform a review.

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4- Structures/Related Geotech - Final Plans and Model (Phase III)

- 90% Structure Plans

- 90% Geotech Foundations Report

- Submit Load Rating Report

- DUO/CUC Review

- 100% Structure Plans

139030 100% R/W Map


This map stage should be limited to addressing minor review comments, if any, from the 90% R/W Map and Legal Description review, and addressing all final title changes, if any, based on the updated title searches.

If required, a cursory review of minor comments from the 90% RW Map Review. If the 90% R/W Map and legal description review comments are minor and there are no title changes, this review stage may be waived, and proceed to Final Deliverable.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - 90% R/W Map Review

- Title Search Update

- 100% R/W Map Review

- FDOT Surveying & Mapping Office

303030 Respond to Comments Final Plans and Model (Phase III)


This is the timeframe that the EOR responds to comments from the Final Plans (PH III) review. All reviewer comments are documented in the Electronic Review Comments (ERC) system. The FDOT PM should work with all review units to ensure reviews are performed by the due date. The EOR shall respond to each comment individually and the reviewer will accept, reject or request additional information. Unresolved comments will require coordination with the reviewer, EOR and FDOT PM. Any unresolved comments should be addressed until all parties are satisfied. The FDOT PM is responsible to monitor the process until comments are successfully resolved.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Final Plans Review (Phase III)

- 100% Final Production Plans Coordination

Confirm Local Support for Final Plans / Update CAP

238030 Phase III Evaluation of Consultant


This line item is placed in the schedule as a reminder to the FDOT Project Manager to perform an interim grade in the FDOT Consultant Grading System. This is utilized so that the Consultant Firm has some feedback as to their current performance on the project. Any questions concerning the Grading System can be addressed by D5 Consultant Project Management – CES Administrator.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Initial Plans Review (Phase II)

238040 Plans Update Evaluation of Consultant


This line item is placed in the schedule as a reminder to the FDOT Project Manager to perform an interim grade in the FDOT Consultant Grading System.  This is utilized so that the Consultant Firm has some feedback as to their current performance on the project.  Any questions concerning the Grading System can be addressed by the FDOT Professional Services unit (Duration: 62 Calendar Days).

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Review Updated Plans

  - Consultant Grades

- Draft Major Consultant Template

- Draft Minor Consultant Template

- Grade Approval Instructions

- Sample Consultant Grades Email to Expert

- Sample of Grades Approved by PM

140040 100% R/W Map Review


If the 90% R/W Map and legal description review comments are minor and there are no title changes, this review stage may be waived by the District Surveyor or his/her designee.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - 100% R/W Map

- R/W Map Complete

- FDOT D5 - Survey & Mapping - Map Preparation & Review - QA/QC Management Plan

264040 DUO/CUC Review


DUO/CUC (District Utility Office/Construction Utility Coordinator) Review:
The Utility Coordinator (UC) shall reviews the marked-up plans as they are received for content and sends to the Designer/Engineer of Record for inclusion into the plans. The UC sends the marked plans to the District Utility Office and local construction utility group for review along with their QA/QC documentation. The UC is responsible for providing documented QA/QC to be submitted with each utility deliverable. This is to consist of written review comments with resolution.

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2- Utilities - Utility Contact (for minor project)

- Utility Contact (RGB)

- Final Plans and Model (Phase III)

- Review 90% Structure Plans

- 100% Final Production Plans Coordination

- 100% Structure Plans

115060 100% Structure Plans


The EOR shall make all authorized changes necessary to complete the plans and technical special provisions (TSP) after resolution of the 90% comments. The EOR shall also submit a list of changes made to the plans or specifications that were not directly related to the 90% review comments.

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4- Structures/Related Geotech - Review 90% Structure Plans

- Signed Sealed Geotech Foundations Report

359020 Confirm Local Support for Final Plans


The FDOT Project Manager will confirm local (County/City) support from same the designated local (County/City) contact used during Initial Plans after responses to comments are complete for the Final Plans review. Local support should be confirmed prior to proceeding to 100% plans coordination. Confirmation should be obtained in writing via email, meeting minutes, etc.

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8- Stakeholder Coordination / Public Involvement - Respond to Comments Final Plans and Model (Phase III)

- 100% Final Production Plans Coordination

310010 100% Final Production Plans Coordination


This phase is designated to complete the final touches on the design plans and update quantities based on the agreed upon comment resolutions to the Final (Phase III) Plans review. The EOR shall provide the updated utility adjustment sheets and/or roadway plan sheets that show the utilities and all applicable component plan sheets (i.e., cross sections, drainage structures, signal, etc.) to the Utility Coordinator and the District Utility Office for verification that the utility information has been plotted correctly. The PM will verify concurrence to all comments/responses from the reviewers. No additional comments are being requested, just confirmation that the appropriate changes were made. The Engineer of Record will demonstrate to the FDOT that the plans and quantities were updated appropriately.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - DUO/CUC Review

- Utility Contact (for minor project)

- Utility Contact (RGB)

- Respond to Comments Final Plans and Model (Phase III)

- Confirm Local Support for Final Plans

- Signed Sealed Soils Report

- Plans Completed

- Initial Annual Local Agency Update

266010 Utilities Certified


This includes hours for transmitting utility files to the DUO and preparation of the Utility Certification Letter. The CONSULTANT shall certify to the District Utility Office the following: All utility negotiations (Full execution of each agreement, approved Utility Work Schedules, technical special provisions written, etc.) have been completed with arrangements made for utility work to be undertaken and completed as required for proper coordination with the physical construction schedule.

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2- Utilities - DUO/CUC Review

- Set Contract Time

157010 R/W Map Complete


R/W Map MYLARS and certified legal descriptions (certified TIITF Sketch, if applicable) are finalized and received by FDOT Surveying & Mapping. The EOR provides the R/W Change Tracking Form and a Compatibility Letter that confirms the r/w shown on the maps is sufficient to build the project and is comparable to the r/w requirements denoted on the design plans.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - 100% R/W Map Review

- Instrument Prep

Compatibility Letter Sample

144010 Instrument Prep


This activity is done by FDOT Surveying & Mapping. Includes final analysis of the title search, flag sheets and title documents prepared. Map sets and individual sheets printed and outlined in color, and parcel folders prepared.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - R/W Map Complete

- Documents to R/W

- D5 Survey and Mapping

133060 Signed Sealed Geotech Foundations Report


This report shall include final bridge foundation and wall analyses.

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4- Structures/Related Geotech - 100% Structure Plans

- Plans Completed

310050 100% Plans Coordination


This time frame is established so the Engineer of Record can demonstrate to the FDOT that the plans were updated according to the resolutions from the Final (Phase III) Plans and are now final.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Updated Permits Clear

- DUO/CUC Review

- Confirm Local Support for Updated Plans

- Review Updated Plans

- Utilities Certified

- Plans Completed

- Utilities Certified

268010 Documents to R/W


Maps, Title Documents and Parcel Folders delivered to R/W Administration. This is normally the last Survey & Mapping task unless updates or revisions are required. (See Update Survey, Activity 139060 and Update R/W Map, 139070). However, Title will update documents as needed until negotiations/suits are finalized.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - Instrument Prep

349010 PH 4B ROW Service Contract Exec


This activity represents the execution of any service contracts for the development of real estate appraisals or other related support activities necessary for the acquisition of right of way parcels.

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9 - Project Management - Documents to R/W

- Appraisal Contract

208010 Appraisal Contract


This defines the time period which allows the FDOT to hire a consultant fee appraiser to perform appraisal services. During this period, the FDOT Deputy District Right of Way Manager – Valuation and the Appraisal Administrator review the project, discuss a general Scope of Services and determine appropriate contracting services to develop real property appraisals. The appraisal services are then advertised or contracted with a Districtwide Contract.

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1- Right of Way Acquisition - Documents to R/W

- Assemble R/W Team

- Appraisals

- Negotiation

- Appraisal Review

131030 Signed Sealed Soils Report


This signed and sealed report will address the Final Plans (Phase III) review comments.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - 100% Final Production Plans Coordination

- Plans Completed

201010 Plans Completed


The development of the design plans is completed. All comments from prior phase reviews have been resolved and the plans have all appropriate changes incorporated. These plans are ready to be signed and sealed. Quantities are updated by the EOR and an updated construction cost estimate is initiated.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Signed Sealed Geotech Foundations Report

- 100% Final Production Plans Coordination

- Set Contract Time

- All Environmental Permits Clear

- R/W Estimate - Final Plans Completion

106040 Certified Design Survey Deliverables


This submittal is required at the same time plans are complete. The submittal incorporates all the remaining design survey done for the project and includes all the required final MicroStation drawings, the appropriate Surveyor’s report(s) and the EOR's letter of satisfaction of the design survey product.

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7- Survey, Mapping, & Coordination - Plans Completed

  Sample Letter

- FDOT Surveying & Mapping Handbook

298090 R/W Estimate - Final Plans Completion


This is the final of four scheduled Right of Way cost estimate updates. The FDOT Consultant Project Manager and the EOR will provide the FDOT R/W Cost Estimates/Design Support team an update of the anticipated right of way needed for the project. The Right of Way exhibits include all real property parcel impacts including potential ponds, corner clips, and strip takes. The impacts will be visualized on an appropriate exhibit and quantified on the form provided at the Right of Way Kickoff Meeting or suitable alternative worksheet approved by the Right of Way Cost Estimate Coordinator.

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1- Right of Way Acquisition - R/W Map Complete

- Plans Completed

- Documents to R/W

222010 All Environmental Permits Clear


All Environmental Permits necessary for Letting of the project have been obtained. These permits include water management districts, Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), Coast Guard, Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). The “All Permits Clear” memo will be issued 6 weeks prior to production.

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5- Drainage/Permitting - Plans Completed

- Environmental Permit Coordination Meeting

- Set Contract Time

- Environmental/Certification Complete

120010 Appraisals


The appraisal activity is the period of time allotted for the submission of all real estate appraisals required for the initial negotiation of the identified right-of-way project.

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1- Right of Way Acquisition - Appraisal Contract

- Appraisal Review

143010 Appraisal Review


The time period to complete the review of the real estate appraisals by FDOT Appraisal Review staff or Consultant Review Appraisers. The appraisals are approved for use in the negotiations to purchase required right-of-way for a project.

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1- Right of Way Acquisition - Appraisal Contract

- Appraisals

- Negotiation

- Complete Suit Data

129010 Relocation Work


The time period for providing advisory services and/or financial aid to persons and businesses displaced by a public program to assist in relocating to available residential replacement dwellings and non-residential replacement sites. These activities are necessary in order to be in compliance with federal regulations (The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended).

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1 - Right of Way Acquisition - Appraisal Contract

- Appraisal Review

- R/W Demo & Clear Work

121010 Negotiation


The time period for presenting offers and negotiating with property owners/representatives to purchase right of way parcels. The initial offer is based on approved compensation determined by the review appraiser. The R/W agent attempts to negotiate a settlement agreement that will allow the parcel to be closed without condemnation. The negotiation end date is the date of the final order of taking for the project.

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1- Right of Way Acquisition - Appraisal Review

- Appraisal Contract

- Complete Suit Data

- Final R/W Order of Taking

359050 Initial Annual Local Agency Update


This meeting is held when a project does not immediately go to construction at the conclusion of design.  The time spent while the project is "on the shelf" or in Right of Way, can be periods of leadership changes, priority changes or continued development within the Local Agencies.  During these periods, the Project Manager should make annual contact with the local agencies, advising of the status and inquiring if there are any changes the Department should be aware of.  The Local Agency Partnering Meetings are a good opportunity to perform this annual contact.  Depending on the feedback received, additional public involvement efforts may be necessary to ensure continued support and consensus of the project.

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8- Stakeholder Coordination / Public Involvement - Plans Completed

- 100% Final Production Plans Coordination

- 2nd Annual Local Agency Update

- Initial Annual Local Agency Update Meeting Agenda

240010 Complete Suit Data


This date is when all unacquired parcels on a project are to be prepared and submitted for eminent domain action.

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1- Right of Way Acquisition - Appraisal Review

- Negotiation

- Final R/W Order of Taking

273010 Final R/W Order of Taking


The date by which the final order of taking must take place for the project to be cleared by the scheduled Right-of-Way Certification date.

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1- Right of Way Acquisition - Negotiation

- Complete Suit Data

- R/W Demo & Clear Work

125010 R/W Demo & Clear Work


As soon as right of way parcels are closed and FDOT has physical possession, any improvements on the property are cleared.

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1- Right of Way Acquisition - Final R/W Order of Taking

- R/W Certified

359051 2nd Annual Local Agency Update


This meeting which is held 365 days after the Initial Annual Local Agency Contact Meeting, to update Local Agencies on the status of the project.  The time spent while the project is "on the shelf" or in Right of Way can be periods of leadership changes, priority changes and continued development within the local agencies.  During these periods, the Project Manager should make annual contact with the Local Agency advising of the status and inquiring if there are any changes the Department should be aware of.  The Local Agency Partnering Meetings are a good opportunity to perform this annual contact.  Depending on the feedback received, additional public involvement efforts may be necessary to ensure continued support and consensus of the project.

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8- Stakeholder Coordination / Public Involvement - Initial Annual Local Agency Update

- 3rd Annual Local Agency Update

255010 R/W Certified


The project is certified clear for construction when FDOT has title to all the right-of-way, relocation is complete, and all improvements have been cleared.

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1- Right of Way Acquisition - R/W Demo & Clear Work

- Complete Package to DCPME

933010 Complete Package to DCPME


All items should be complete prior to this date including contract time, utility certification, permits cleared, R/W cleared, plans completed, JPA's completed, R/R coordination cleared, FAA coordination completed, etc. The FDOT Project Manager should complete the Transmittal of Plans, Specifications, and Estimates Package (Form 131-A) and the Contract File Index (Form 131-B). Both can be found in FDM. Once the whole package is compiled, the FDOT PM should send an e-mail to the DCPME stating that the project is now DCPME ready and can be entered into specs if needed. Consultant should include in the Final Deliverable/Production Submittal a ZIP file or CD that includes all the signed and sealed design reports. This includes (but is not limited to): Structures Reports, Geotech Reports, Design Drainage Reports, Design Traffic Reports, etc. If the DCPME determines a QAR of the project needs to be performed this information shall be transmitted to the Quality Assurance and Design Services Manager for review.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Set Contract Time

- Production Date

- Pre-Spec Meeting

- Production to Letting Guidelines

- Production Transmittal Forms

171010 Set Contract Time


The period of time, measured in calendar days, allowed for completion of the construction contract including all holidays and special events. FDOT PM to coordinate contract time with the following distribution email: D5Construction-DesignCoordinationGroup@dot.state.fl.us

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Final Plans and Model (Phase III)

- All Environmental Permits Clear

- Utilities Certified
- Complete Package to DCPME

- Pre-Spec Meeting

- Contract Time Template

- Contract Time Presentation

310020 Pre-Spec Meeting


This is a communication meeting between the Project Manager, EOR, EDelivery person (CADD In-House/Consultant), Estimates, Construction, and Specs to discuss any outstanding issues and commit to dates for the Production and Final Submittals to Specs.

NOTE: Invite DOT Utility Contact if phase 56 (UWHC) plans are part of the project. The Consultant is to provide plans, responses to the comments, and any TSP’s.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Set Contract Time

- Complete Package to DCPME

- Production Date

- Pre-Spec Meeting Preperation

- Pre-Spec Meeting Agenda

204010 Production Date


This is the committed delivery date for final plans, certifications (utilities, permits, R/W, environmental, etc.) and Agreements (LFA’s, JPA’s etc.) to the Specs and Estimates Department. The assigned Construction Contract number is placed on the Key Sheet(s).

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Complete Package to DCPME

- Certified Design Survey Deliverables

- PS&E Submittal(s)

- PS&E Submittal Checklist

- General Production Package Info

226010 PS&E Submittal(s)


Submittal(s) consisting of the Final Plans, Specifications and Estimate along with any other contract and transmittal documents. PS&E Submittals are numbered consecutively and re-submittals are required until the project is accepted by the District Program Management Office.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Production Date

- PS&E Review(s)

242010 PS&E Review(s)


This is the time between electronic deliverables going to Specs, at which time Specs and CADD will do their review, and the start of Production (or earlier) and ending at Fully Electronic Transmittals Due To Tallahassee or District Contracts

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - PS&E Submittal(s)

- Transmit PS&E Package (Central Office)

- Transmit PS&E Package (District)

359025 Local Agency Contact Prior to Plans Update


This meeting should take place 4 months prior to the Plans Update Phase.  For this meeting the project manager will re-contact the City and County Manager's office to inform them of the beginning of the design update phase, and to inquire as to which City/County Departments need to be included on project correspondence.  A summary of the scope of the project should be provided and invitations to a Plans Update Design Team Meeting should be extended.  If the local agencies have new or modified design request, they should also be discussed at this meeting.

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8- Stakeholder Coordination / Public Involvement - Project Kickoff Meeting

- Negotiate Staff Hours

- S/A for Plans Update

- Order Design Traffic

220010 Plans Update Design Team Meeting


The Plans Update Design Team Meeting is intended to review the designer's approach to the final updated design of all major elements of the project and resolve any differences.  Utility owners and local agency representatives are encouraged to attend. 

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6- Project Initiation / Negotiations - S/A for Plans Update

- Plans Update

164020 S/A for Plans Update


After negotiations for plans update phase is completed, this is the time period where the FDOT Project Manager, Negotiator, and Prime Consultant gather all the finalized documents (scope of services, units, and staff man-hour estimates, audit packages, etc.) necessary for developing a complete contract package. Negotiator to submit complete package to Professional Services for successful execution.

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6- Project Initiation / Negotiations - Local Agency Contact Prior to Plans Update

- Encumber Phase 32 funds for S/A (Plans Update)

- Plans Update Design Team Meeting
220420 Plans Update


The plans update process begins when final contract plans, specification and estimates (PS&E) package has been on the shelf for any significant period (approximately nine months). The update process depends on the type of project, the adequacy and appropriateness of the original design controls and standards, and the original scope and objectives. The extent of the update process should be determined based on both engineering and management input. Contract plans must be reviewed for current requirements, including standard plans, specifications, pay items, design criteria, target speed, typical section changes, design documentation updates, and design analysis evaluation needs. Agreements with outside entities such as Utility/Agency Owners (UAOs), maintaining agencies and local agencies must be reviewed.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Encumber Phase 32 funds for S/A (Plans Update)

- Plans Update Design Team Meeting

- Update R/W Demo & Clear

- Update Permit Status

- Railroad Contact

- Environmental Permit Coordination Meeting

- FDM Chapter 112

220030 Review Updated Plans


This review begins once updated plans are complete. The Consultant PM should use the transmittal forms located on the Department's Electronic Review Comments (ERC) website for this submittal (note: plans should be distributed to Local Agencies and public transportation entities within the project's influence). In addition to the submittal form, the consultant shall attach a signed Conformance to Quality Control letter. At this stage, the design of the project should be complete, with all major cost pay items loaded and quantified. After the phase review ends, the consultant should prepare responses within 2 weeks of the end date and submit those responses for concurrence from the Department. A signed Concurrence for Review letter is a requirement before proceeding to 100% Plans Coordination.

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3- Plans Development/Project Management - Plans Update, - Confirm Local Support for Updated Plans

- Utility Contact (for major projects - UWS)

- 100% Plans Coordination

139060 Update Survey


Update Survey necessary for designers and engineers of record to utilize during plans update phase.

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7-Survey, Mapping & Coordination - Plans Update

139070 Update R/W Map


Update R/W Map if there is a substantial delay from the R/W Map Complete activity to Docs to R/W activity for the project (r/w acquisition not funded or several years out). Determination as to whether this activity is required or not on any given project is made by the District Surveyor.

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7-Survey, Mapping & Coordination - Plans Update

125030 Update R/W Demo & Clear


Description will be updated soon.

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1- Right of Way Acquisition - Plans Update

272040 Update Permit Status


The time period for verifying permits are not expired or are close to expiring and require permit extensions. If the permit has expired, the Consultant is responsible for coordinating with the D5 Permit Coordinator and assisting with filing for a permit extension(s).

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5- Drainage/Permitting - Updated Permits Clear

- Update Permits

900080 TSMO Coordination Meeting


Project Manager Schedules a meeting with their consultant and District Traffic Operations, as identified in the agenda. The Consultant reviews the agenda and prepares accordingly for the meeting. If there are items the Consultant is not prepared for the meeting should be rescheduled after they have collected and organized the needed information from coordination and field review.

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10 - Traffic Operations Coord - Incorporate Initial Plans and Model (Phase II) Review

- Plans and Model Update

- Final Plans and Model Review (Phase III)

- TSMO Schedule Dictionary Agenda